Bad News, Good News

Just wait for the December update there are a lot more neat tricks both in the engine and even in vrad by another programmer Aleks.

So I wasn’t around when game engine was upgraded back in 2012. I joined the team 2 yrs back only. @TextFAMGUY1 or @stormseeker should be able to post some more details about that process but I have heard that it was a painful process.

As far as Newrednerer is concerned, think of it as another layer on top of old source’s renderer which render’s deferred lights only and everything else remains the same. So any old level/lighting should look the same in the new engine with an option to add new things.
Asset pipeline is same but there are couple of new optional parameters in VMTs. In-fact, not breaking or changing old materials or lighting or maps was the biggest factor behind every decision taken during the development of new all the new features/upgrade.

Was a bit disappointed at first but the reason why xen is delayed once again is understandable. I have mixed feelings about the new lighting though.

So should we currently expect xen within q1 or q2 of next year? Or should we stick with the when its done thing?

Speaking of new features, will there be a toggle to disable color correction and/or lens flare? I promise to give both of them a fair try, but I want to know the option will be there if I prefer something closer to the way things look now.

Overall a very encouraging update, cannot wait to play around with these new lights in BMPD.

Next question: Has any progress been made on disentangling the problems caused by the Steampipe update for custom content? That’s not a project I’d wish on anyone, but it’d still be nice to have some ability to include, say, custom scripted sequences.

Looks great. I have been following this project since the beginning, it felt like an eternity and everyone I know said that it would never release. They were wrong and it was worth the wait. After the first mod release, I didn’t follow the development as closely but I still know it will be worth it! There are few remakes that have this level of quality. These things, they take time. :wink:

Okay, I know I am not the first nor the last to say how I feel about this update. To me, I feel a little disheartened hearing that the Xen levels would be delayed (yet again) but I am also blown away at the same time in seeing how much effort you guys have put into making your game look, JJ Abrams be proud! I must say that you guys are doing a fantastic job at making this game and I feel that when the Xen levels (finally) come out I know that I will be blown away with the amount of both beauty and awe I will have in playing the levels. I know I can’t wait to take on the Nihilanth and fight it and then have the G-Man give me the decision to join or die. The Xen levels I know are a big part of the game and though I know nothing about game programming/developing, I know for sure it takes a damn long time to do. Now I wont ask the question I always would ask (hopeful date specification on release) but I feel that it will be out before a year from now. I now wait in anticipation to see the beauty that is the Xen levels and I cannot say how proud I am already. Remaking and entire game from 1998 and having it almost done nearly 20 years later with having beautiful graphics, amazing gameplay, and kick ass music is truly an accomplishment.

Shout out to CC for actually having good PR this time, and sticking around to level with everyone and explain in depthdepth, it’s incredibly appreciated.

So it seems that the level design for the Xen chapters are complete? The only thing that needs to be done is the Lighting for the Engine like CSM, and other stuff that is needed to make Xen even more better? It’s because it was said Xen will be internal for now.

It seems I can predict that the delay will be a little bit shorter than usual now. I hope once the Engine update releases, everything’s A-Okay for Xen to be released, well, soon…

Lens Flare yes, Colour Correction…I’m not sure. It’s a little bit of a tough one as in some places in the game we’ve considered CC to be integral to the look and feel of the scenes. We haven’t decided yet whether it’s going to be toggleable or not.

It’s not something we’ve looked at yet. We likely won’t address it till post Xen. It’s a real huge barrel of worms. I think our workshop programmer investigated a bunch of the solutions proposed in the community workshop thread from here (I wrote up a bunch of notes for him and he investigated it as tasks) and found it was a pretty hefty amount of work. So we’ve shelved it, for now. It really depends on what our priorities turn out being, post-Xen.

Thanks. We’re trying our best!

This is not true, no. The level design and assets as a whole are still behind where they need to be. In fact, the engine stuff is the furthest ahead, which is why it’s the stuff being released in the December update.

Guys, i don’t care about the delay. Seriously. As far as i’m concerned you can even release this September 2018 and i won’t care, cause i love that info bombing!
Others will care though.
Anyway, my question is : will the December update feature any new achievements?

That’s understandable, even if it’s not what I wanted to hear. I guess I’m somewhat apprehensive because I’m worried it’s going to diminish the colorful look of Black Mesa, and bring it closer to the washed out colors I see all too often in modern shooters.

Take this gif from the last update for example:

I actually much prefer the “before” over the “after.” I feel like in this case the color correction makes the level feel washed out. There’s too much of a blue tint and it diminishes the contrast between colors present in the level.

However, I do like this screenshot, which is presumably using color correction:

In this case, the emphasis on the red and orange tones really accentuates the sunrise. So, really, it’s a mixed bag for me. That’s why I hope you consider adding a toggle.

I really think the developers just screwed the pooch on that one Surface Tension screenshot- everywhere else I’ve seen the color correction it’s used to great effect, but while I get that the original HL1 rock textures used in Surface Tension were more pink this is just overpoweringly purple. Not a fan, but I don’t think the rest of the color correction will be this… overpowering.

just noticed a red bar on the hud in the image for the lambda sector teleporter, guessing that is new and for the long jump… either that or I do not pay attention.

EDIT: dumb idea, but with the december update could you release the first map of xen as a teaser?

Yes the WGH has CC, but that map has always had a fairly strong orange colour to it. Alot of the colour balance is added via the rays as well, which I setup in a recent pass with our new newLight_Dir entity, which also replaces the old env_sun entity. However that map still has an env_sun entity for the inside of the warehouse hangar, as the original design has 2 suns, in order to show through the upper windows, which is then toggled off and replaced by the new dirlights.

CC additions are usually to set a tonal feel to an area, but its a hard balancing act. Alot of games use it to set an aesthetic atmosphere to an area, cold/warm, we aim to use it alot for that purpose in Xen levels. Oddly its harder to use effectively in earth levels, as people have an expectation as to how a certain enviroment looks. Most CC is still in tweaking phases anyway, so it may change from those shots in the future as we do polish passes post Xen release.

Wait, you can use env_sun more than once in a map???
mind = blown

Two suns…like in Tattooine…

I certainly hope the rest of the team comes to read up on the responses here. Other than that one guy, (snarls a bit) it is obvious the fans are very appreciative of the dedication.

Will we be able to disable HDR lighting in future? Will it be possible to upload packed multiplayer maps with custom textures to the workshop as one bsp-file? Atm I can’t get pakrat to work with BM multiplayer maps. New lighting effects and artworks look promising :slight_smile:

At least you’re smart and have not ventured into the cesspool that is the steam forums.
The devs are doing a bangup job of answering questions and keeping their cool. But I still think they deserve PTSD pay. :thumbsup:

Doubt it, their current engine has a fatal crash when the map is compiled in LDR. Constraint of the particle system, it seems like.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.