1. Don’t post a bunch of dumbass nonsense threads for the lulz or for any other valid, or invalid reason. It’s going to make everyone’s job that much harder having to moderate and repair the site at the same time.
2. Don’t private message Josh or anyone else assisting in the effort to get the site back up to normal with questions concerning possible uptimes. Right now you should only be using the PM system with administrators if you have a legitimate problem.
3. Because I know one of you asshats will do it, don’t make a joke account or 10 and spam the forums with them. In fact, don’t spam the forums at all. Even the off-topic section. At least maintain a decent quality of posting (which I know is hard for some of you) until everything is back up to speed.
4. Don’t be a tool and do something that would get you banned. As much as we all hate you, please wait to receive your extermination later, not now.