No, I think you’re overthinking it. It’s probably gonna be either “The Philosopher’s Stone” or “lapis philosophorum”.
I’d agree it’s possible that we don’t use ‘The’ on the beginning, not saying either way, but it’s a possibility
Okay, I found the calender that someone mentioned earlier, and I may have good news; it’s from December, and the 25th is in red for no apparent reason. Also, the 1st of the month is a friday, so we might be able to use that to divine a complete date.
Edit: One of the monitors has a shortcut to K95; was this why it came up earlier?
i think in hl 1 there was also a calendar and it was on 25th december
The calendars are all over the facility and yeah the 25th is highlighted because that’s Christmas
There have always been calendars.
They always said December.
Calendars often have holidays highlighted.
There is no year.
None of this is significant.
I could have told you this when the calendar was first suggested.
Wait, why am I not asleep yet? :rabies:
I was thinking, we can have some dates with this numbers:
08/15/1934, 08/15/1943, 08/15/1394, 08/15/1349, 08/15/1439, 08/15/1493.
My theory it’s we need to find something important on one of this dates, probably there’s more dates but i’m tired from the school, i need to sleep.
The latest December 1st was in 2006. So 12/25/2006? If that is actually the date code.
The board with the VIC Cipher on it also has the diagram of how the lasers are laid out… on said diagram, in big red letters it says “1.21 GW” a reference to 1.21 gigawatts in Back to the Future.
The date they set the Delorean to in the first movie, I believe is: October 21, 2015
Along with the release dates of HL and BM, I think this is our best shot a date thus far, considering it’s proximity to the code.
Yeah, let’s try that along with “the philosopher’s stone.”
Edit: Unhi, that’s a good idea, but in the first movie they went back in time.
Found a random note on the pinboard in the casserole break room, that has the numbers 428 randomly scribbled on it. Most probably nothing and I haven’t been following this topic very hard, but just posting this in the off-chance it’s related.
Sorry, that’s the lack of sleep talking YET AGAIN.
That’s the future date, the past date should be November 5, 1955
Great Scott! This is heavy…
Does the VIC cypher need a date? Some of the definitions I’ve read haven’t included that.
I think it’s just the last digit of the date that actually effects the cipher. I could be wrong, but…
I think I found a new ‘pizza is a lie’-text.
] status
hostname: Half-Life 2
version : 4104 insecure
map : bm_c2a5a at: -2227 x, -3263 y, 1919 z
players : 1 (1 max)
# userid name uniqueid connected ping loss state adr
# 4 "felcon" UNKNOWN 00:38 16 0 active loopback
…what’s the code from?
Edit: Oh, coordinates.
It’s the results of the console command that reveals where in a level you are, requested in the bug reporting threads.
Well, if it is any help, I checked the lyrics of the Philosopher’s Stone, since you said we needed a song and mentioned that the ninth sentance might be the one. I also tried the seventh, since that has came up before too. So I’ve got this:
7 - I’m searching for the philosopher’s stone
9 - When my job is turning lead into gold
I also tried transalating the symbols you ignored on the whiteboard, but it’s just E’s and F’s, so that’s not important. Have you tried solving the math things on the whiteborads to see if they have anything to do with any of the codes?
…The Philosopher’s Stone is a song? I don’t think anyone here even knew that much.