I bought the game black mesa for mac through steam and i knew it would not work for my mac. So the question is why did I buy the game? Well for one thing i have a windows computer that can run Black Mesa, but i can not use if for a short time and I want to see if there is any news at all about the Mac OS X version. Anything will help, thanks.
Not much news on the mac front. don’t hold your breath.
I saw that article and a while back, but if there is any other news about the mac version of it then let me know
So, while i wait for Black Mesa, are there any other new (or older) titles i should be playing? I’ve played all the Half Life series and all of the Bio Shock. I love these styles of games. Any recs will be appreciated.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadows of Chernobyl with Oblivion Lost is a classic one should have played.
Wolfenstein the New Order, while quite new is a really good fps.
Yeah, play those.
@black-mesa-devs Any updates? As I understand, Source Engine support work on Vulkan. There’s MoltenVK to run Vulkan apps on macOS. Also there’s some guide how to use it https://github.com/KhronosGroup/MoltenVK/blob/master/Docs/MoltenVK_Runtime_UserGuide.md