Alien Controllers/The Nihilanth & telekinetic abilities

As the title shows, I was curious if this could be implemented…

[COLOR=‘Red’]I’ve read the FAQ and I know about the policies on new weapons for the player, not for the NPCs.

I know it’s probably been suggested several times, but I thought I’d ask people’s opinions on this.

Would it be interesting to have the Alien Controllers use limited telekinetic abilities, like how the Grav Gun works in Half-Life 2, to use things like Rocks, barrels, whatever is laying around in the environment as a shield against gunfire or a more powerful burst of energy, chucking the object at the player instead of energy balls, this will make fights with the controllers more dynamic and far more annoying.

I also suspect the Nihilanth will have a far more powerful ability for the boss fight (suck the player in some sort’ve vortex then crush the player and/or chuck them across the room), I realize that it’s been suggested before, at least for him on the old forums, maybe the community can expand on these abilities. Or have a more dynamic boss arena and allow him to use the objects laying around in or on the ground as weapons and small shields.

The reason I suggest this is that when you look at the controller in the original Half-Life, the Controllers showed a limited capacity to gather the charged energy in the area and use them as directed energy weaponry from the hands and telekinetic abilities via the floating around.

So, to sum it up; re-instate the grav gun code for JUST THEM, NOT THE PLAYERS, to give them more of a punch when dealing with them, I realize that it’ll be far more annoying, but it’d make for one hell of an opponent.

This is for the NPC, not the player. This is for the sole purpose to see what the community thinks about this, I assume this won’t be implemented, but one can hope hm?

Some new attacks for the Nihilanth?
Making Aliens more badass

Seriously, not even a chance. There are other possibilities to make an enemy challenging without using telekinesis (and especially with something remove since the beginning of the mod).
Throwing homing balls of energy for instance joint with great movement speed was enough me think.

Eh, we’ll just wait and see what the Dev’s have in store. I wish people would stop suggesting big things like this.

The idea is epic. But somehow it seems like it would take a bit of tweaking to fit into the mod, let alone the half life universe.

Nonetheless, still seems like an exciting proposition.

It’s not going to happen. It’s just not. It would be a good idea for a different enemy in a different game but theyre not supposed to change that much of the npc abilites.

With one swift flick of the pen, Ram crushes this young boy’s dreams :freeman:

Dreams are meant to be broken :jizz:

in this case, dreams are meant to be raminated :wink:

i am disappoint

I see someone was playing Human Error.

oh, how awfull, i really wanted to see controlers grabing shit and trowing at you, softly, so you wont be killed in one blow,

I had a horrible flashback to the Poltergeist in STALKER. Having barrels, boxes and even guns hurled at you is annoying at first, but it starts to get scary when it takes down half of your health with a few hits while you try to open a door.


sounds romantic

good times


wait what?

not that kind of shit. shit = junk

you didn’t really think that one through eh? :fffuuu:


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