I’m posting this thread as there has been no official word on whether a responsible site admin has been notified of the current spam attack, which is quickly spiraling out of control. Right now, there are eight spam accounts at work, and the number of concurrent spam accounts appears to be steadily increasing. The only currently active mod ( @TheeGoatPig ) is clearly getting overwhelmed by the sheer amount of spam and he has reported that he is having trouble deleting the spam threads because of forum error messages.
The following problems must be related to the error messages he’s getting:
- Several threads in the Website Issues subforum have lost all their posts and show up as having -1 replies in the thread index.
The Unofficial Official Chat Thread seems to have lost 87 pages’ worth of posts. EDIT: It appears that it’s the first 87 pages that’s been lost. When you open the thread, you see 702 pages, but in the thread index it’s still listed as having 788 pages.
(As a side effect, my like count has dropped by one as I had a post with a like in one of the affected threads. I DEMAND COMPENSATION! /jk)[/size]
A site admin should address this issue ASAP, before too much damage is done to the forum.