[ADDON] Black Mesa: Re-Balanced

Many things in Black Mesa aren’t right - some enemies/weapons are op, some of them are underpowered. This simple mod of mine will change some variables, making game both harder and nicer to play. So i present to you…

For old changelogs and version vistis https://sourceforge.net/projects/bmrebalance/ .

//Current ver: 0.2

What was changed?

  • Player’s throwforce was downed a bit,
  • Pistol and MP5 do a little extra damage,
  • Same happens with shotgun, snark and MP5 grenades,
  • NPCs weapons were buffed too,
  • Now you can carry 28 additional ammo for .357 (previously 1, and 10 satchels (previously 5), also you can carry up to 30 snarks,
  • Hivehand is a bit more accurate, both for player and NPCs,
  • Gluon consumes 3 ammo/sec,
  • Security guards have more HP,
  • Zombies are buffed. They are still slow, however normal zombie have 100 hp (previously 40), and melee range 80 (previosuly 75), so it will be a little harder ,
  • Zombified security have sam melee range as normal zombies (80), however they have now 150 hp instead of 50,
  • Zombies now do 20 dmg if they slash with claw, or 40 if they slash with both,
  • Headcrabs do 8 dmg instead of 5,
  • Vortiguants are buffed. Now they have 50 health points, they need 1.5 second to recharge, and they do allitle more damage (35 in case of zap, 15 in case of slashing with their claws),
  • Apache is nerfed. It’s easier to destroy - it have almost the same hp amount as Abrams,
  • Houndeye’s blast do more damage,
  • Osprey is tougher, you need 5 rockets to take it off,
  • Mines do more damage (cmon, THEY ARE MINES!), they took only 1/4 of players health, now they take 3/4,
  • .357 was nerfed, now you can carry only 16 additional amo for it,
  • Crowbar was buffed, now it takes headcrab in one hit,
  • Snark hives contain 3 of them instead of 8, you can carry up to 10 of them, however their dmg was buffed,
  • AI reacts slower,
  • Shooting head or chest do more damage than shooting stomach, arm or leg,
  • Ichthysaur is harder to kill, one bolt isn’t going to do the job now :wink: , also they hurt a bit more,
  • Implemented walk button (ALT).

What do you think about it? Write your ideas here, i will think what would i change in next version. What should be nerfed, what should be upgraded?


BM: Re-Balanced ver. 0.2 - sourceforge

Seems like a neat idea! I feel like 30 snarks is too much though. You could take down an army with that.

Yep, good thinking. Thanks for advice :slight_smile:

I think you shoudn’t provide an exe for some changed vars in the configs.

If that’s the case, i can upload zip too. Don’t worry, it’s just .rar with nice installer :slight_smile:

This is soooo not a bug report.

By 9mm you pistol and MP5, right?

All these seem like changes for the worse, imho. Except the mines damage mod.

Instead of recalibrating the whole game, just delay enemies reaction time, and nerf their aiming and that’ll do it. No need to go into that kind of drastic changes.

Ever considered that all equipment that’s placed on maps was designed for the current ammo capacity / damage system? How will you change that?

I was looking for a way to improve the Mp5 slightly and this little fix seems to do a lot of good, but it also changes things I thought were fine in the opposite direction.

The houndeyes for example, I thought they were tough enough when you come across a group as usually its a close encounter and you end up getting a lot of damage before you can get rid of them all. They seem to attack too quickly.

The things I really like about this fix are the damage increase for some of the guns and the delay for the Vorts attack.
Not sure if I like the idea of having to hit a headcrab twice, does it remove the satisfaction of whacking one with a crowbar as its jumping?


Great idea :slight_smile: In next version i will nerf headcrabs, and enemies would react so fast.

I made a similar cfg, except I left enemy health largely intact while buffing weapon damage for both NPCs and the Player

the result was that weapons felt powerful, and enemies (especially creatures) felt dangerous.

Is this rebalanced with normal in mind for the default setting, or hard?

Also, why not include the auto crouch jump vars with everything else?

I also think buffing the handcannon’s ammo capacity isn’t a great idea. I’ve always seen/used it as my emergency situation get out of jail free card. Give it too much ammo and it’s just too good at evrything (and also completley devalues the glock).

The only thing that really needs changing is the MP5 mag capacity. Up to 50. Or you could up the damage a bit instead, like +1/8. I don’t think you can change the first in skill.cfg tho.

New version is up!

Could you add increased jump and jump-crouch heights? The tripmine warehouse was absolutely maddening on normal settings.

There was no problem for me, however i’ll see what i can do :slight_smile:

Any more ideas?

-make it easier to jump onto solid objects, even when increasing the vertical speed to the point where you’re jumping higher then the ledge it still won’t let you jump onto it, forcing you to use the crouch jump, this isn’t a problem in HL2
-have the jump give you a boost when moving forward like HL2
-decrease the time between selecting a weapon from the hud and actually being able to use it, there’s a half a second delay after the draw animation is finished
-remove the distorting effect from the houndeye’s sonic attack
-increase the alien slave and houndeye’s charge up time
-automount and dismount the ladder more easily, hands up who ever jumped for that ladder in the elevator shaft and fell to their death not knowing you had to press e?
-make the hud forget which weapon you selected last so it works as HL1, eg. press 3 once for mp5, twice for shotgun, three times for crossbow
-if you can, remove the screen shake whenever you swing the crowbar (miss only)

Wait, am i just reading it wrong or is that a bit paradox?

Well because of the “previously 1” i guess you just got the .357 in the first line wrong…

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.