Adding VOX lines to Office Complex

In the game files, there are unused VOX lines for Office Complex that have apparently been “dummied out” from Black Mesa. However, they can be re-added.

Could someone mod back in the VOX sounds for Office Complex? I’d do so, but my computer can’t handle compiling large maps.

If anyone wants to do this, first go into scripts/game_sounds_announcement and add these lines right before the “C1A3 WGH” header:

//c1a2 OC
“channel” “CHAN_STREAM”
“volume” “1”
“pitch” “100”
“soundlevel” “SNDLVL_130dB”
“attenuation” “1”
“wave” “vox_overhead/C1A2_00.wav”
“channel” “CHAN_STREAM”
“volume” “1”
“pitch” “100”
“soundlevel” “SNDLVL_130dB”
“attenuation” “1”
“wave” “vox_overhead/C1A2_01.wav”
“channel” “CHAN_STREAM”
“volume” “1”
“pitch” “100”
“soundlevel” “SNDLVL_130dB”
“attenuation” “1”
“wave” “vox_overhead/C1A2_02.wav”
“channel” “CHAN_STREAM”
“volume” “1”
“pitch” “100”
“soundlevel” “SNDLVL_130dB”
“attenuation” “1”
“wave” “vox_overhead/C1A2_03.wav”
“channel” “CHAN_STREAM”
“volume” “1”
“pitch” “100”
“soundlevel” “SNDLVL_130dB”
“attenuation” “1”
“wave” “vox_overhead/C1A2_04.wav”
“channel” “CHAN_STREAM”
“volume” “1”
“pitch” “100”
“soundlevel” “SNDLVL_130dB”
“attenuation” “1”
“wave” “vox_overhead/C1A2_05.wav”
“channel” “CHAN_STREAM”
“volume” “1”
“pitch” “100”
“soundlevel” “SNDLVL_130dB”
“attenuation” “1”
“wave” “vox_overhead/C1A2_06.wav”
“channel” “CHAN_STREAM”
“volume” “1”
“pitch” “100”
“soundlevel” “SNDLVL_130dB”
“attenuation” “1”
“wave” “vox_overhead/C1A2_07.wav”
“channel” “CHAN_STREAM”
“volume” “1”
“pitch” “100”
“soundlevel” “SNDLVL_130dB”
“attenuation” “1”
“wave” “vox_overhead/C1A2_08.wav”
“channel” “CHAN_STREAM”
“volume” “1”
“pitch” “100”
“soundlevel” “SNDLVL_130dB”
“attenuation” “1”
“wave” “vox_overhead/C1A2_09.wav”
“channel” “CHAN_STREAM”
“volume” “1”
“pitch” “100”
“soundlevel” “SNDLVL_130dB”
“attenuation” “1”
“wave” “vox_overhead/C1A2_10.wav”
“channel” “CHAN_STREAM”
“volume” “1”
“pitch” “100”
“soundlevel” “SNDLVL_130dB”
“attenuation” “1”
“wave” “vox_overhead/C1A2_11.wav”

That makes it so that the in-game VOX can use those lines.

Then, go into scripts/talker and make a new .txt file and title it announcements_oc.
Paste these lines into the text file:

criterion IsAnnouncement “concept” “announcement” required

//================================================== ======
//================================================== ======
response “announce_oc”
// norepeat
speak “C1A2_00”
speak “C1A2_01”
speak “C1A2_02”
speak “C1A2_03”
speak “C1A2_04”
speak “C1A2_05”
speak “C1A2_06”
speak “C1A2_07”
speak “C1A2_08”
speak “C1A2_09”
speak “C1A2_10”
speak “C1A2_11”

rule “announce_oc”
criteria IsAnnouncement
response announce_oc

Then decompile the Office Complex maps, find/create an env_speaker. Uncheck Start Silent if it is checked, name it announcement_speaker, set Min Delay Between Announcements to 15 and Max Delay Between Announcements to 60, set Context Rule Script to the name of the script that you just made aka scripts/talker/announcements_oc.txt, and set Concept Name to announcement.

Compile the map, and it will work, as I tested it out on a small test map. The announcement sound comes from the env_speaker, so you might want to place it where there are actual speaker props.
To test if you’ve set it up correctly, run this map: This is the small test map which uses the new announcement_oc.txt file.

I still dont get this. In the mod version there werent any vox lines after UC, despite the “military control” line and I clearly remember that the absence of all these vox lines in OC, WGH and LC was some bug caused by the port to the 2007 source engine. And that they are going to be readded.
Are at least some of these vox-lines readded to the steam version or are they all still missing?

I didn’t hear any during OC, however at the part where the scientist beats on the security station glass (and tells the guard to open the silo doors before the guard gets eaten and the scientist runs into a mine) it played some lines over the intercom like “Turret repair crew report to sector D” or something. There were a few others I heard before leaving the area but I didn’t hear any between that area and when the military takeover part plays.

I wonder if this is in the new Steam version yet I bought it a couple days ago so I’ll play through it and see if they’ve added it yet. If not I think the devs should think about adding it in.

In my post above I meant in the steam version, not the mod. Forgot to clarify that.

That’s sad to hear :frowning: hopefully they can add it in at a later date.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.