I looked around and didn’t see anything about this so Im sorry if this has been discussed before… I recently got a new laptop and have reinstalled Black Mesa and transferred my saves over but the achievements didn’t carry over. Is there a way to move them also or am I stuck having to redo them?
From my understanding after the last 27 times this topic has come up, there’s nothing you can do but re-achieve them.
If memory serves me correctly the game generates a txt file called ‘gamestate.txt’ in the root folder \SourceMods\BMS\ that contains the achievement info.
inb4 people letting other people download all achievements
Your memory serves you well. This is the file that keeps track of achievement progress.
Thanks so much Cpl.1nsane! That did it
Wow, this would have been great info quite a while ago. Thankies, then, Cpl.
Cool. I’ll backup that file in case I need to reinstall Black Mesa.
It’s better to get the achievements again each time one comes back anyway, or so at least from my perspective. Cause once they are done, there’s like not much else to do. Doing them all fresh gives a reason to play and brings back challenge.