A map of BM's Black Mesa Research Facility

The opening tunnels just after the lift are directly modeled after HL1 (with the exception of the office at the bottom, that’s new). The ramp room also comes from HL1, although it is definitely expanded. The houndeye landing is mostly captured too (although it’s a dead end in the stock version and you can’t take your tram there).

In place of the crane is the electrical pool puzzle, which is completely new to Black Mesa. And the turret elevator is a stand-in for the marine elevator in HL1’s version. Both are present in On a Rail Uncut, with the former a full recreation and the latter as a sort of nod.

If you want to count the Loop Mod version of the opening map, you also get the box track (which comes after the ramp room in the original), as well as the pipe bridge room. The security office area does not have a HL1 counterpart.

Thanks for clearing that up. Also, what maps are those parts covered in in Half-Life 1?

I have a question rk not sure if you can answer it even approximateley but…

How high is the dormitary from inbound in relation to the first map of we’ve got hostiles?

I noticed the 2 maps are alnost on top of one another.

But I have no idea if the surface slopes from the surface in we got hostiles up or down in relation to inbound.

With the gap between Unforeseen Consequences and Office Complex being completely arbitrary (because you do so via elevator), so the best we can do is guess.

That being said, if we assume a flat ground between Inbound and WGH, and the fact that WGH’s C map is five floors higher than the A map (which I would guess at 18 ft height per floor including ceiling structure would be around 90 feet), then we would have WGH’s A map being 90 feet below Inbound.

Insert suggestion for the devs to fix this.

It’s not an issue the dormitarys would be on the platform where there is no soda machine.

Nothing needs fixing.

The side with the soda machine would give workers access to the storage facility

thank you very much RK :slight_smile:

I imagine. In HL1, one side of the *dormitories was a platform with forklifts.

I consider you the spacial expert on Black Mesa RK just so you know that.

I have a couple of more questions regarding WGH outside area.

Where are we on the compass in this outside area North / south /east or west (plan view of facility)?

One more question how far are we from the dam in Kilometers and does the Dam have a name? Also how far are we from Lambda complex?

I am planning on making a road sign if you are wondering why I am asking this so It has not got to be totally accurate but a rough estimate will do.


All the maps are oriented uniformly in the game, so the way you see them here is the way they are oriented in-game (bar on a rail uncut and apprehension) It really helps with consistency, even from a behind the scenes standpoint.

Talking direction-wise, the map itself is 90-degrees clockwise from the actual, so north is towards the left side of the map. To put it in perspective, when you come out of the dam and follow the river to the pipes, you are traveling south. I’m basing this on the sun’s angles on the few outdoor sections we see.

I can’t answer those last three questions though because there’s no good information on that. The dam might have a name, but I don’t know what it is. More chiefly though there’s no way to tell how far we are from neither the dam nor the lambda complex since the two sections are completely arbitary from WGH and especially since the entirety of the Surface Tension through Lambda Core sections is one big impossible clusterfuck in the game.

Thanks Again RK so I believe that puts the outside area in WGH firmly at the north of the facility.

By your word North Gate it shall be. Perhaps N1

I think I will stay clear of the road signage as It could cause more continuity errors and leave it ambiguous. I thought about Route to all gates sign and thought about a ring road. But I will be steering clear on that based on what you have said.

Any chance of these being updated to reflect the new Surface Tension maps?

dont mind this thread being bumped id like that too

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.