Firstly, this rock geometry in this cave on map bm_c4a1a1 -
at coordinates: setpos 4996.864258 7295.997559 6435.041016;setang 27.419632 97.628738 0.000055 -
Has no collision. Hard to screenshot easily, since it’s underwater. Grabbed a first screenshot of the cave ceiling over the rocks, then a screenshot of what you see if you do a 180 degree turn to look behind you at the end. Did not check rest of cave.
In map bm_c4a1b at coords: setpos -11905.156250 -3471.016602 9509.958008;setang -7.292344 172.354202 0.000000 -
the scaffolding has some missing textures.
Finally, in also map bm_c4a1b at coords: setpos -9348.548828 55.250706 10636.198242;setang 21.571663 -148.749802 0.000000 -
the laptop screen is translucent, you can see the props behind it.
Imgur album, pictures ordered to issue.
That’s all, I hope I’ve helped. Sorry for having to dump to an imgur album. I had to rewrite this post several times to figure out how to efficiently upload the pictures. Limit on uploads, limit on hyperlinks, etc.