Hell yess Feel the power of the dark knight. Praise the dark lord and sacrifice a virgin(not yourself) to the dark lord. to beat fear you must become fear. Summon evil thru floor circles of some kinda wacky power and your veins will glow and you can throw guys across the room. Play poker and you are winning by miles and then you pull down your sunglasses and your eyes are all evil underneath.
satan is real and he is active in this world right now. using only a cheap €9.99 kit you can harness the power of the adversary. These are the facts the Man doesn’t want you to know. With my patanded system you are garenteed inches of growth every month! or your monkey back
suck the venom from a snake bite and spit it into a bowl of holy watter then gargle it while reading from the necronomicon. dont swallow else you will be dead and gay.
keywords:666, lucifer, belizubkb
Catch the dark lord baphomet with a special hook and use him to put out the lights of lighthouses. cause million in ship-damage