502 Bad Gateway - Main Site

Seems like I’m getting a 502 error when I enter the main site but not when I’m in the forums. Any help?

EDIT: Nevermind… Seems like I’m only getting it when I try to enter without www first.

I got a whole bunch of them on the forum just a while back.

The website’s been terribly unstable for me for a few weeks.

Same here, but I only got it once yesterday.

no issues at all here, at least in the past week

I got lots of cloudflare errors in the past two weeks or so. Seems to be fixed, though.

Every Saturday night the server performs a weekly backup that uses quite a bit of resources so some slowdown is expected then. Are the 502 errors Cloudflare 502 errors?

Just got a 500 error, nothing about cloudfare on the page.

It was just a 502 error with a white page saying

502 Error

Bad Gateway

Nothing about Cloudflare there.

Hmm could just be apache/php backing up. I’ve got the hosting server setup with NGINX as a reverse proxy with Apache/PHP. If it ever happens again make note of the time and date and reply to this thread along with your timezone and I will check the log files.

Why not just NGINX/php directly?

NGINX doesnt support mod_rewrite like Apache does (we would need to manually edit the config file for every vhost to specific all rewrite directives, which would be very cumbersome). So NGINX handles all static content (such as images, css, HTML files, etc.) while PHP scripts are proxied through Apache.

Just a heads up, the problem that just happened was me upgrading NGINX, no cause for alarm.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.