28/8/12 Interview with The Verge

This also confused me a bit. Does he mean that BM: Deathmatch will be released later,(what we already know) or does he mean that the mod will be released unfinished and will be finished with a later coming patch?

In the Interview they’re just saying that we need to be patient, meanwhile, why don’t we just watch every detail in the new media screenshots for hours?

I love the red “laser eyes” on the assassin that leave a trail when the assassin moves.

Nice! Not really new info, but the screens make up for it!

I’m glad this is finally getting asked by someone else too (you and King_Kaddo).

In June, when the facebook campaign started, it also mentioned they were building up to the “first” release.
I asked a similar question back then (“Is Xen going to be in the first release or not?”) several times but devs didn’t answer at all (no confirming or denying)

Here’s that post:

It did get ignored, as I expected, by devs and forumites.

Anyway, I’m still prepared for a seperate Xen release, but I apparently seemed to be the only one and got ridiculed for thinking it will be seperate. I sincerely hope I’m wrong though.

Anyway, we’ll see when it comes out, or when the devs dare confirm/deny it :slight_smile:

That was answered. Xen is in the first release.


Actually, you were eventually answered, but you didn’t notice when Raminator said the first release would be single player and the second release would be multiplayer.

@TheeGoatPig: He confirmed that?? This is news to me, have you got a link to that? I dont seem to find it in Ram’s post history since June 15th

Why would Xen be released separately, when it’s such an integral part of the story?

I fucking love the concave ceiling. It’s soo smooth and realisitically looking. I generally like all the concrete structures in Black Mesa. They are done really well and are quite detailed. Compared with the structures from Half Life 2, the structures from HL2 look like shit.

If it wasn’t Ram than it was James or Storm.

And yes, it has been confirmed many times over the years, even recently.

Image comparison, old BMS pictures vs new BM pictures:


Obviously the particle accelerator model was rebuilt from the ground up. Also, new smoke particle effects.


It’s pretty much the same thing.


It looks completely different from both the original Half-Life and the older version of Black Mesa. It looks more like a real place now, instead of a pipe going to nowhere in the middle of nowhere.


Pretty much the same thing, again. There’s the new EP2 Vort models, but we’ve already seen that before.


New skybox, same map, pretty much.

Overall you can clearly see a jump-up in quality, especially in three of those shots (the test chamber, the pipe, and the rocket launch room, of which we don’t have older versions to look at but looks awesome.)

I don’t think these are the same locations.

I’m pretty sure they are. Can’t think of other location with that basic design.

The old one is Residue Processing and the other is Surface Tension.

You sure? Where? You only come out of a pipe to a puddle of water and then go right because there is a wall on the left in the beginning of Residue Processing, as far as I can remember. Again, different environment, but it’s the same thing essentially (and gameplay-wise).

After the dam, you follow the river down and go through a pipe and end up on a new map with a chopper shooting at you, and then the tentacle in the sand (that Ram says is removed).

Except that there shouldn’t be a building up there, unless they changed that radically. And we know they did not, since there is an overview of the whole chapter in the wiki. In that part you walk on sand. That is a big building now, not a big mountain. Also, that’s not where the pipe was. They could’ve changed it, yes… but it resembles the beginning of Residue Processing much more.

I’m still still pretty sure that’s it, honestly.

Does this count as part of the media campaign? :stuck_out_tongue:

The Combine Assassin in the HL2 Leak did that.

They’re from different chapters. The newer shot is from Surface Tension, around c2a5b if you’re looking at the original map names.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.