69: Old people on the bus that demand a seat.
70: Old people who demand the black people to get in the back of the bus
71: Old people who refuse to get on a bus because there’s a black/brown/latino person on it
72: Buses who refuse to get on a black/brown/latino person because there’s an old person on it
73: Black/brown/latino people that refuse to get on an old person because there’s a bus on it.
73: Old people who refuse to leave a bus because it’s surrounded by black/brown/latino people
74: Old people.
75: People.
Every single one of 'em, especially the one I call “me”.
- rainbows. i hate those friggin things…
- People that stay up late laying in bed staring at the ceiling trying to think of a new thread to create regardless of whether it is a stupid idea to actually discuss or not. Do you guys really get your jollies by seeing your name in the authorline on the page or what?
Someone is a little pissed off today…
I changed the name of this thread because it was pissing the shit out of me.
78: People who keep saying Oxymorons about themselves
“Oh I’m so smart! I just failed a test!”
that’s not an oxymoron. that’s sarcasm.
2 contradictory terms in a phrase
yes it is
- Racists
- Fake people
An Oxymoron is a literary figure of speech in which opposite or contradictory words, terms, phrases or ideas are combined to create a rhetorical effect by paradoxical means. [/SIZE]
Would it be better if it was phrased like I’m smarter then you because I failed my test