You're All Faggots

dont mind me just leaving my mark on faggot thread

carry on

This thread is like walking into you house to see the whole street having an orgy on your living room floor.


Mmm, I was thinking more along the lines of What the bloody fucking fuck.

well i think you’ve just got the wrong attitude mister.

Followed by Awesome?

No is Motherfucking awesome.


¿Qué es vuestro obsesión con España?

So either I’m not paying close enough attention or everyone on here is a bundle of sticks. Obviously someone gave those bundles of sticks sentience so REVEAL YOURSELF!!!

¿Cuál es vuestra* obsesión con España? / ¿A qué se debe vuestra* obsesión con España?

*In latinamerica we replace “vuestra” with “su”.

There you go.



My reaction to this situation would completely depend on the types of neighbors I have.

Ranging from :fffuuu: to :jizz:

Eat Shit and die.

I am so tempted to post a large unfunny .gif as a response…

What? :smiley:

[COLOR=‘Black’]Okay, yeah, a page late, I know. I knew that when I posted this.
Edit: Or two pages. Well, this is awkward.

What about a large funny .gif

lol funni


Fuck yeah![/SIZE]

Hotlinking doesnt good, funny not anyway I saw.
[COLOR=‘Black’]hurr durr grammar

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.