I’m not scared of heights hitting me, I’m scared of hitting heights. :fffuuu:
And with that, your fear has come true.
Tenshi, they were making a joke.
My life is in ruins.
Sorry I forgot to laugh at myself, because I was being made into a joke.
lighten up, willya
I’ve got a good one.
I’m afraid of fractals and time loops. I’m mostly unaffected by it until I smoke pot, in which case it’s crippling.
Also: my friends know about this, so sometimes they’ll collaborate in repetitious behavior to scare me. It’s unsettling, and rarely, hair-raising.
EDIT: oh, and i’m extremely OCD. It’s phobias more neurotic cousin.
Does anyone see the inherent irony in this post?
Quick, someone clear his “blocked” list.
Brix will be shat.
And honestly I didn’t think this guy seriously had a fear like that, I thought it was a retarded joke but if it wasn’t, my comment doesn’t apply. So calm the fuck down.
Colloquial Irony, N., The quality or state of an event being both coincidental and contradictory in a humorous or poignant and extremely improbable way.
Not really.
I have a phobia of night time in small towns, just walking around outside, but in bigger cities it’s fine. I guess i’ve played too much “Death Toll” On L4D…
I have a fear of waking up one day, and the Internet is gone. Remember that writing on the wall in Left 4 Dead? At least I think there was writing on the wall. Imagine something like that. What would I do without Internet? Bored out of my mind. ;~;
Or go ourside
Congratulations, you learned how to copy paste from an online dictionary! A winner is you! Also you failed to see the irony in his post.
Because there was none.
Unless you’re suggesting that Tenshi always looks stupid on the internet, and that fact makes it ironic that he has a fear of it. In that case :retard:
Three cheers for captain slow!
So which post got Tenshi banned?
I fear parasites. I cant bare the thought of having creatures living inside of me.
I’m also afraid of trans dimensional machine elves.