The guy in the middle’s eyes are scary as hell
I’m pretty damn sure that’s kaze.
Today’s question:
If women are so great at multi-tasking… why can’t they have a headache and sex at the same time?
Today’s pick-up line:
You have beautiful eyes… they’re like spanners. Every time I look into them, my nuts tighten up.
Sex actually relieves headaches, so that was debunked like forever ago.
Good sex (for the woman, that is) relieves headaches. I daresay in most cases when women use that excuse the sex probably isn’t very good for them.
that theory truly belongs in this thread, because I lost
Yeah, I’m actually completely talking out of my ass. I don’t know if it’s true or not.
[COLOR=‘Red’]raw_bean: snip
Mindfucker: Get a life plz.
Sorry, i was bored.:meh:
post a pic or it didnt happen
Yeah. That’s me.
You are an ass?