
I hope the Gonarch fight has changed in some way. The baby headcrabs were so incredibly annoying. If they surrounded you you couldn’t escape, because somehow Gordon wasn’t able to step over their bodies. So you would be blatting away at something you could hardly see that jumped around like a flea until you either died or escaped with hardly any health or ammo

Just let Gordon walk over them, and I don’t see a problem.

I’d say make em squishable like the cockroaches.

I’m sure Xen will be the most challenging area for the mods to make.
Lighting, the skybox, the textures.

That would be incredibly satisfying. I like that idea. It seemed to be implied that they were translucent like snakes or worms, their skin hardening and becoming opaque over time. Perhaps that’s just my imagining of them though.

They remind me a lot of the antlion grubs, and so if they could be made to be squishable, getting rid of the remaining little bastards would actually be fun and satisfying instead of endlessly annoying.

Perhaps they could move a little slower too, since it was ridiculous that they moved about five times faster than their adult counterparts.

It’s most likely already done like this as it’s obvious, but none the less.

That kind of floor should be done like

And this:

Should have it’s floor like

Of course, it’s just my opinion

How did those pictures even have anything to do with each other? I don’t understand the point of that post.

He’s saying that the ground in the first picture should be made of rocks, and the floor in the 4th pic should be some squishy material.

Easy. He thinks that the ground texture in the first screenshot should look like the ground texture in the second when translated in Black Mesa, and the third should look like the fourth when ported over.

EDIT: I think thats the first time I’ve ever been :ninja:'ed.

This page has a frightening number of “squishes” :retard:

Never thought about that… Their speed certanly added to the annoyance-factor.

Squishing, an excellent idea. Also an excellent word. I hate those little bastards though. Along with Snarks, they’re the most misused thing in mods ever. Enter a room, ‘oh look, 400 baby headcrabs and no door. What fun

Damn, I’d never thought of that. What is wrong with me? I think part of the downside of having 13+ weapons in Half-Life is that you’re never sure which one you should choose and you inevitably marginalise one or never use it at all.

Now I know why you had thousands of posts in the original forums. Bravo.

Which weapon is it that you’re marginalizing, and for what use does it have that you regret doing so?

I was talking about Snarks as enemies, so ironically I would never have thought of that either. Thank you :smiley:

Also, your signature is legendary

GRRR snarks are SO damn anoying in half-life there everywere and those god damn mini headcrabs in hl1 without the hd pack i could barley see the little buggers . . . i cant remember how many times i died thanks to thoes little buggers

Bah, I’m sure baby headcrabs will be crushable like antlions grubs.

Could be fun to see more often snarks, they have potential.
Gordon could also grab one and squish it in his hand :slight_smile:

Actually, in an ironic twist I believe snarks attacked the little baby headcrabs in that fight. I threw down a couple, left the immediate area and came back with a clean bill of health!

wow i never knew that! to be honest i was so anoyed with the my first try with them were by once the snark was released, it kept attacking me instead of the swarm vorts i never used them again

I only used the snarks when my enemy was in a pit. that way I wouldn’t have to worry about them turning around and attacking me.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.