Maybe you don’t go on porn as often as you should and siggs goes on the right amount? Ever consider that?
this thread is a list of random websites
thats what i meant
But leave the cats and dogs alone, they’re yours amirite
The Pirate Bay.
Here is a given. Cracked, ModDB, TWHL, AccursedFarms, 4Chan (/wg/, mostly) and Imgur, (I upload lots of pictures). In no particular order.
Except it’s not random at all.
did he really take that seriously? Oh my.
I should get into this illustrated erotica business.
There’s gotta be some aspbergers at work here, because the first instance of the joke went over his/her/its head as well.
pretty much everything goes right over my head.
What joke are you guys talking about? I’m lost.
I have a feeling I’m supposed to be the one who didn’t get the joke, but I have no idea what you’re talking about.
edit: nvm, read back a bit, its about darkone
youtube, chatango, pixiv, plurk, facebook, gelbooru and exhentai
Don’t judge me.
Planet Phillip (well, just a check at updates)
DayZ/news (again, to check updates)
Source SDK Tools Forums
Adobe Actionscript 1 & 2 Forums
My college website / VLE
Youchoob, DevianTART, the escapist.
porn, porn and more porn
Facebook, YouTube and Fallout wikia.
I usually have youtube up playing music in the background.
When I come into work, I usually catch up on my Facebook newsfeed, then read whatever looks interesting on Cracked. While I’m eating lunch (or after lunch, if I go out for it), I have a rotation: notalwaysright, lamebook, failbook, fmylife (I don’t even like fmylife that much; it’s just part of the rotation), iwastesomuchtime, the Chive. Once every week or two, I also read xkcd, penny arcade, fanboys, vgcats, cyanide & happiness, and the oatmeal - and I’ve made a habit of checking hyperbole & a half, even though she never updates anymore. I come here every day or two, visit another forum pretty much every day, and occasionally read rt.
This is all at work. If I’m lucky, I can stave off doing any actual work for most of the day.
At home, I spend a lot of time on 4chan, because it’s not work safe.