Which sites on the internets do you spend your time on?

Maybe you don’t go on porn as often as you should and siggs goes on the right amount? Ever consider that?

this thread is a list of random websites

thats what i meant

But leave the cats and dogs alone, they’re yours amirite

The Pirate Bay. :slight_smile:

Here is a given. Cracked, ModDB, TWHL, AccursedFarms, 4Chan (/wg/, mostly) and Imgur, (I upload lots of pictures). In no particular order.

Except it’s not random at all.


did he really take that seriously? Oh my.

I should get into this illustrated erotica business.

There’s gotta be some aspbergers at work here, because the first instance of the joke went over his/her/its head as well.

pretty much everything goes right over my head.

What joke are you guys talking about? I’m lost.

I have a feeling I’m supposed to be the one who didn’t get the joke, but I have no idea what you’re talking about.

edit: nvm, read back a bit, its about darkone :smiley:

Reddit, Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Netflix, Gmail, Grooveshark, Drive, Canvas Rider.

youtube, chatango, pixiv, plurk, facebook, gelbooru and exhentai

Don’t judge me.

Planet Phillip (well, just a check at updates)
DayZ/news (again, to check updates)
Source SDK Tools Forums
Adobe Actionscript 1 & 2 Forums
My college website / VLE

Youchoob, DevianTART, the escapist.

porn, porn and more porn

Facebook, YouTube and Fallout wikia.

I usually have youtube up playing music in the background.

When I come into work, I usually catch up on my Facebook newsfeed, then read whatever looks interesting on Cracked. While I’m eating lunch (or after lunch, if I go out for it), I have a rotation: notalwaysright, lamebook, failbook, fmylife (I don’t even like fmylife that much; it’s just part of the rotation), iwastesomuchtime, the Chive. Once every week or two, I also read xkcd, penny arcade, fanboys, vgcats, cyanide & happiness, and the oatmeal - and I’ve made a habit of checking hyperbole & a half, even though she never updates anymore. I come here every day or two, visit another forum pretty much every day, and occasionally read rt.

This is all at work. If I’m lucky, I can stave off doing any actual work for most of the day.

At home, I spend a lot of time on 4chan, because it’s not work safe.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.