In Scandinavia Norway: Spongebob Squarepants is called “Svampebob firkant” (literally translated Spongebob Square O_o)!
My old avatar is best.
point is moot
I quite like “UNDERFUCK IT”…
Ram’s avi is pretty kool, and there was one with a mascot eating a cheerleader? That one was pretty fucking awesome, with emphasis in bold and italcized letters.
OH, OH! and the hand with the fingers with the mini hands on the fingers? That one was pretty fucking trippy.
Oh fuck, and I almost forgot the guy who took the noavatar.png and made it colorful and prettyful and shit! That guys is awesome.
Oh man, and Sassy’s avi? Her avi is pretty damn shiny, man.
EDIT OH! An d Wheybags avatar? Hs fucking creepy man, but in an awesome whey!
You should make that one with David Icke!
My sig is best.
Ramirezoids old chainsaw tooth avatar.
Bolteh’s signature.
Honestly not a big fan of Bolteh’s sig.
You’re probably a dirty Commie, too.
Hey, suddenly my title seems slightly fitting.
Although Milwaukee has a history of semi-embracing Socialism (more its politicians), I am capitalistic.
[color=yellow]GLORY TO THE MOTHERLAND!!!
On Topic time, I like your new avatar better then your old one Fnoigy.
jimmy the murderdog does not approve of this thread
I live in a socialistic country. It’s like communism, just not that extreme and no farmers starve! But I like capitalism as well!
patonki’s corgitar and corgiture are best no matter u sayin
Ramirezoid’s old chainsawteeththingy. Shit was awesome.
Thanks. My old one was just a screenshot from Justice League after a keyframe was missed by VLC, while the new one was actually something I drew a couple years ago.
Yea it was.
To be honest I like Wheybags’ avatar and pretty much any sig that shows the stupidity of swampfox. Rossman, that avatar needs some more medics
I like my avatar just cause I’m so cool.