What are you listening to?

Inhale/Exhale - Frail Dreams And Rude Awakenings

Neptune - Erosion

The members of this band built their own instruments out of scrap metal. Strange, but they sound great. Can’t find many of their songs on Youtube though unfortunately.

Spheron - Five Degrees

Pop Evil - Goodbye My Friend

5FDP - The Tragic Truth

Selektah Kolektiboa - Gora Gaileta

Basque hip hop.

Like A Wind - Yuzo Koshiro - Yuzo Koshiro Best Selection, Vol. 5 (The Super Shinobi Original Soundtrack) [PC-8801 Sound Version]

The actual track is from that album, but here’s the closest I could find.

Old Man’s Child - Black Seeds on Virgin Soil & My Kingdom Will Come

Mastodon - Octopus Has No Friends (fucking awesome, Watch This Drum performance of it too)

O’Brother - Lo

5FDP - Dying Breed

Sevendust - Face To Face

Sevendust - Praise

https://plug.dj/play-anything-116/ everyone should join in and have some fun we have some black messa chat regulars in here playing some tunes come on in.

Avenged Sevenfold - Hail To The King

The soundtrack to an old Sega Saturn game called Amok… Man this brings back memories. Such a great game.

Gemini Syndrome - Syndrome

Gemini Syndrome - Left of Me

Virgin Black - Darkness

Lykke Li - No Rest for the Wicked

Lykke Li is the fucking best.

^I actually really like that song

I’m listening to House of the Rising Sun. This version, actually: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9RVVHXdMmog

I love their interpretation of that song… Wolfenstein was a master in detail, the OST included.

I like the whole OST x) it’s one of my top 3 favorites. Every song brings a smile to my face haha

Gemini Syndrome - Resurrection

Shinedown - Diamond Eyes

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.