Neptune - Erosion
The members of this band built their own instruments out of scrap metal. Strange, but they sound great. Can’t find many of their songs on Youtube though unfortunately.
Spheron - Five Degrees
Like A Wind - Yuzo Koshiro - Yuzo Koshiro Best Selection, Vol. 5 (The Super Shinobi Original Soundtrack) [PC-8801 Sound Version]
The actual track is from that album, but here’s the closest I could find. everyone should join in and have some fun we have some black messa chat regulars in here playing some tunes come on in.
The soundtrack to an old Sega Saturn game called Amok… Man this brings back memories. Such a great game.
Lykke Li - No Rest for the Wicked
Lykke Li is the fucking best.
^I actually really like that song
I’m listening to House of the Rising Sun. This version, actually:
I love their interpretation of that song… Wolfenstein was a master in detail, the OST included.
I like the whole OST x) it’s one of my top 3 favorites. Every song brings a smile to my face haha