Helrunar - Til Jarðar
James Horner - Avatar: music from the motion picture - Calling all the Na’Vi clans to battle
Ignoring the fact that the titles are longer than the songs, there’s some really good music in here.
Прозрение (Prozrenie) FULL ALBUM by Arcanorum Astrum.
Symphonic Black Metal from Russia.
Here is one of these songs that I like: Битва за будущее (Voin T’my), Путь к Себе (The Way to my Self), Люцифер (Lucifer).
Complexe Cap’tain 2010
I Am by Amiensus, from their album Restoration.
Progressive Black Metal according to Metal Archives, from USA
Falling Snow by Agalloch, from their album Ashes Against the Grain, and The Watcher’s Monolith, from their album Marrow of the Spirit.
Atmospheric Folk/Black/Doom Metal, Post-Rock/Metal from USA
Matt & Kim Vs Jay Z - 99 Ice Melting Problems
This is a great mashup CD I found I’d link it but none of it is on youtube and I don’t wanna link torrents.
The new Ruins of Beverast album leaked. Currently listening to that. The songs they uploaded to Youtube were pretty cool and the album’s been getting some pretty good reviews.
damn right.