Karitkeya - He Who Carries The Head Of Brahma
A Russian Metal band that mixes many different influences and sings about indian mythology… Cultural overflow much ? Wayne, music kicks ass.
Nothingface - Can’t Wait For Violence
Dynatron - Stars of the Night
Retro synth music <3
I’ve got a widely varied playlist, but the most noteworthy seem to be these two:
The Audreys - My Darlin’ Girl
Leikke Li - I Follow Rivers
Shatoo - Overload (Remix)
Love that song, Chickenprotector. I also love that Cowboys From Hell guitar riff. That band kicks major ass.
As for what I’m listening to… Metal Church!
Massive !
"it’s all in the action to grieve
it’s even a struggle to breathe
a life left in splinters beneath
my soul is a tomb, bereaved "
^because why walk when you can crawl???
I’m listening to a variety of Sixx AM, 10 Years, and a little Sick Puppies as of late. I’m fond of SP’s acoustic album.