What are you listening to?

The Duskfall - Going Down Screaming

Pogo - Prop My Sky

Plaid - Eyen
Plaid - Unbank

Tortoise - Dot/Eyes

Mountains Area - Akira Yamaoka - SHIN CONTRA (Contra: Shattered Soldier)

This Will Destroy You - Killed the Lord, Left for the New World

Animatronic FULL ALBUM by The Kovenant

Vow of Vengeance by Nazxul

The Dear Hunter - Too Late

Why do the best bands have the stupidest names?

Rhymefest - Wanted

Promethean War by Nocturnal Graves

Disclosure - Voices [feat. Sasha Keable]

Fear Before (the March of Flames) - Mouth

EXMORTUS - “Immortality Made Flesh” Jam Room Footage

Thrice - Torch to End All Torches

Caravan Palace - Beatophone

Ohh, nice, Exmortus have something new in the pipe ? I’m excited… really like the dual leads. Would be great if we could see anything from Vektor in early 2014, too ^^

Sulphur Aeon - Inexorable Spirits

ia ia Cthulu fhtagn ! You know the drill :stuck_out_tongue:

UFC Fight Night walkout for Thiago Tavares vs Justin Salas.

Cinematic Orchestra - Time and Space

That’s probably the least original name for a band I’ve ever heard.

Latitudes - Bleak Epiphanies in Slow Motion

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.