Cole Porter - Anything Goes
Sigur Ros - Avalon
Planetside: Core Combat soundtrack - Hades Tunnel
I dunno what that instrument is - electric guitar? electroviolin? - But it sounds awesome.
It sounds like it might be like an electric violin or something. Though it might be a guitar too, but the way it’s being played makes me think more of a violin.
Yeah, I heard someone call it an electroviolin, though I’m a bit surprised that’s actually a thing.
According to Wikipedia, amplified violins have been in use since the 20s. I mean most bands that use a violin unless they’re purely acoustic will really need an electric violin I’d imagine, to not get it drowned out by everything else. And to apply effects like you’d do with a guitar. I suppose it’s not too common though, but something like the Trans-Siberian Orchestra uses electric violins and other classical instruments like that iirc. Sounds pretty cool. Though I don’t really suggest listening to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - There She Goes, My Beautiful World
Interesting! I’d assume that in the case of the Planetside 1 soundtrack, though, they just used a synthetic effect for it.
Can’t really find too many other musicians like Sufjan, Andrew Bird, and St Vincent. Makes me sad.
I had always confused them before with bands like Blur, or I think there’s other bands that I can’t remember the name of right now.
Fear Factory - Obsolete