Underwater Barnacles

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do you accept money only used by me? one Testoserone Bottle is worth 2 thousand dollars ,i’il give you half !

[COLOR=‘Red’]Get on topic or you go the same way as iKy, bitches.

Oh thank GOD.

So about Water-barnacles. They’d need some incredible tongue to get it to jut straight upward in the water and still keep it inconspicuous.

The tip floats (their strength is obviously in retraction). In the real life situation which I am inventing as I write this, the tip would be disguised as a Xen duck or something like that, so when predators attempt to yoink it off the water surface, they are ensnared, drowned, and consumed by the barnacle. I’m not suggesting that its a good idea to include this disguise in the game - a simple floating tongue would be no more or less inconspicuous than a hanging tongue.

Hot damn, I love that idea. Not for Half-Life… But if I ever approach genetic engineering, as rare as it would be, that’ll be on my list of macro-organisms. It’s the perfect biological niche that goes unfulfilled, catching stupid scavengers inclusive of birds. It will fuel a surge in avian intelligence.

I think they would just drown if they where underwater.

Underwater Barnacles, that’s the most stupidest thing I’ve ever heard


Me fail English? That’s unpossible!

I thought the fact they would be drifting in the water would be a given, anyone who thinks I meant staying straight up in the water is a fool…

As for them drowning, well, uh you got me there :wink: .

Thanks Mattemuse, your hypothetical situation of a “Xen Duck” made me chuckle. Maybe a Chumtoad could classify as something the Underwater Barnacles could ensnare?

I think the creature is a good idea but not for half life. The devs want to stick close to the story, and a new creature is probably out of the question for BM :lambda:

How does placing barnicles u nderwater consist of a “new creature” in terms of the HL1 story? It’s still a barnacle, its just placed in a different area.

Maybe not the story but in the game there is no underwater barnacle. What i’m saying is that the devs most likely wouldn’t create a new monster. Even if the idea is good.

But by that logic, the olive sea snake and the olive python are the same creature. By having an animal underwater, you conclude that it can live and breathe underwater. If this was the case, why could we not see any underwater barnacles in either HL or HL2? There were plenty of opportunities for them to be there from a story point of view. They certainly thrive in damp and wet places, but not once have we seen one underwater.

I think its a fantastic idea to have underwater barnacles - it’s a feasible and logical evolutionary progression - but not in Black Mesa. That sort of creativity would be fine as a normal mod, but with Black Mesa growing increasingly more popular and influential and with Valve needing to check it for irregularities, it seems best to show barnacles and all other aliens as they were intended.

The variations of zombies, as an example, are fine. You’re not changing the storyline elements of the creature or the gameplay elements - its simply an aesthetic change.

I think they should have some in episode three. The creatures should evolve and adapt to earth over the years. We may see evolved houndeyes and new barnacles in the future but not in black mesa.

^ That’s a very reasonable and feasible suggestion. Thanks. :slight_smile:

(directed at last post… Damn new page :confused: )

Hm, not really, no. :meh:

By that logic, amphibious animals are the same creature whether you see them underwater or on land. For example frogs don’t mysteriously change into a totally different species depending on whether they are hopping around or swimming.

Yes, it really does. They’re not the same species - they’re so fully adapted to their own environments that neither can cope in the other’s. The olive python can’t swim underwater and the olive sea snake is unable to even travel on land. My point is that, in spite of being of the same order of animal and having almost identical appearances, the two are very clearly different creatures.

With the barnacles - if one was to be found living and breathing underwater, you would have to conclude that its a separate creature because you clearly haven’t seen any there before. It’s quite a separationg from the original, especially when the aim of the mod is to essentially pay homage to Half-Life rather than dramatically alter it. From a purely gameplay point of view, regardless of serving the same purpose, its a sufficient enough difference to become a new creature in terms of AI and characteristics.

I’ll say again - it’s a fantastic idea for other mods because its a strand of evolution on the barnacle’s part that I can reasonably forsee - but when you’re looking to uphold Black Mesa’s integrity as a respectable recreation of Half-Life, it wouldn’t fit in correctly in my opinion.

Are barnacles that appear on earth a different species than barnacles that appear on xen? Obviously not - and yet they manage to live and breath in two totally different habitats! How can this be?

What you are saying really, really, makes zero sense. And you are fixating on a single example that doesn’t prove anything (olive sea snakes don’t actually look identical to olive pythons in any sense other than that they are both snakes). And furthermore, most land-dwelling pythons can in fact swim underwater for long periods of time.

Ah, but we were talking strictly about “story” and adding “new creatures” to the Half-life cannon (which this suggestion would not do).
Nobody is claiming placing barnacles underwater would not require altering some “AI and characteristics” from the basic barnicle.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.