The Story of Gasworks

Just an update for those of you keeping up.

I’m probably scratching the “part 2” of each chapter, and will only focus on the iterations now, probably fortnightly, and probably in a fair bit less detail. I enjoyed writing the first part but it was more than half a day’s work, and it really didn’t get the response/attention I would have liked. Too much work!

Brian’s threads seem to be more what you guys are after, which is cool. It’s stuff you’re familiar with, after all!

Excepting my own rule, I’ll probably post the next chapter in a few days, as I had mostly already written it.

Aw, sad to see it nipped a bit, right off the bat. :frowning: I found it all super interesting. Mind if I ask what sort of response you were expecting?
Oh well, looking forward to the next chapter if you post it, regardless.

At least as much as Brian’s threads get :stuck_out_tongue:

It ain’t no competition so I really don’t mind, it’s just about the amount of work vs payoff. I was hoping for a bit more of a dialogue and more views/interest. No biggie, though. I was really just testing the waters with the first one, anyway.

Well since most if us don’t really blog this has been trial and error. I found just doing small posts was easier and then updating as I go. Level design doesn’t necessarily lend itself to that. You have to remember Chon the first one I did got a lot if views, then a huge drop off after that.

That’s because fewer people visit this place nowadays than used to?

Yeah, absolutely. It’s no problem at all - different beasts.


I’ve missed these walls of text (pun totally intended :stuck_out_tongue: ) so much xD
We all love you, Text, please keep this going, these behind-the-scenes “documentaries” are truly awesome.

Thanks for these updates, Text; they’re a great look into into an actual development project. As a beginning mapper myself, these sources of insight are great for the overall design of a project.

There’s another mapper that I follow, albeit for CS:GO, that does mapping stuff similar to what you’re doing here. If anyone is interested- link

it looks good man. i realy got the feeling like omg i want to play it :fffuuu:

I do enjoy these updates. I was trying to re-create an old Half Life map for in CS:GO, I failed and I may take your advice for for remaking the map again though.

Let me share some of my Half-Life 1 Deathmatch memories:

When we had clanwar on Gasworks we played 3vs3 and mostly tried to cover one area… the upper area was the advantaged one because there was more armor, 2 gauss and a crossbow… So when we all died and spawned underground we had to take time to stack us with weapons again… After that we planned to attack the surface with different routes. So I think it’s nice to have these two areas cut from each other… because they are like 2 bases… which you could defend or attack.

About camping in Half-Life:

The Crossbow is meant to be a camper weapon. It doesn’t make any sound over distance and is really effective. Your enemies won’t know from where you are shooting on them… That’s the big strength of the crossbow and I hope you’ll keep that aspect in BM. The crossbow is mainly used for camping, spawnkilling and small boosts (crossbow-jumps with primary fire… but they work best when you don’t have armor).

Nice to see some news about Multiplayer… I’m waiting for it so much. I hope Multiplayer will be as classic and faithful as it can be (modern graphics but fast paced oldschool-gameplay). Another important thing for me is the netcode. The netcode pretty much sucked in HL2DM. In HL1 they patched it and it is better now… But I know it could be even greater. Also I hope you will balance the egon for multiplayer. I suggest you remove headshot-multiplicator for egon-damage and make egon work more like QuakeLive-Lightninggun (high dps, limited range, great precision). Egon can and should be a strong gun but you have to place it in your maps with map-balance in mind (2 Egons on crossfire are too many + Headshot damage is ridiculous).

I am really happy to see some Multiplayer news. Keep it up please!

PS: Please add competetive 1on1 and 3on3 TDM (Red vs. Blue or Helmets vs. Recons) matchmaking to Black Mesa. Also it would be really nice to have a pogo-jump-key for bunnyhopping (atleast optional…) and Gauss splashdamage through walls / edges (it was widely used in HL1DM and an important feature to maintain mapcontrol… In singleplayer mode the scientist even demonstrated it’s wallbanging capabilities). Also… You can’t compare CS:GO mapping to any kind of Deathmatch-mapping. These are two totally different pairs of shoes 8)


Coming into mapping from a weird place (using Hammer as a sort of architectural CAD program and building maps to function like real-world buildings), I’m finding these blogs incredibly interesting from the perspective of how to make maps that aren’t just pretty, but actually mechanically playable as well.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.