The December Update

That weapon bob looks EXCELLENT, but, tbh, I’m not really a fan of that new Egon model - even if it does have higher res textures. Aesthetically, I prefer the older model with its fins and detailed handles, as mentioned by another user above. This one seems overly simplified and lacks detail, but perhaps it’s a beta shot.

Kinda have to agree, the new crossbow model is leaps and bounds ahead of the pervious one and the weapon drag is a good addition, but still not a huge fan of the new Egon

yeah new egon is off, though can’t quite figure out why, it looks really cool. and I don’t think the problem is with teh model, it seems more like the texture lacks the detail even though the texture is well done.

Maybe because it doesn’t look “dangerous and experimental” like the weapon is. hell I bet placing some sort of warning on the barrel might improve it but it also might not.

That Gluon is gorgeous! Little less detailed (might just look that way because of the small image), but I think it looks better overall.

The clean look suits the gluon gun, but structurally I prefer the old one. The taller ridges and larger holes in the “barrel” are more interesting to look at. A middle ground would be best, IMO.

The old egon had a ton of deleted back faces so it had to be redone.

The problem I have with the new gluongun is that you pretty much scrapped the old design of the gun. The old geometry had a better mix between edged and round geometry and more variation in colour, too. The new seems to have more polies and higher res textures, but in the end it looks more flat and less badass than the old one.

The design of the old Gluon Gun was much more accurate to the Half-Life model, in terms of structure, dimensions, and color. Considering the direction going with the new crossbow model being more faithful to the original, this seems odd. That said, it’s still a lovely model, and provided any new/revamped animations for it utilize the no-longer-missing back faces, I don’t see any reason I’d not want to use it over the current model.

(Because sorry guys, with how far along it is shown there, it would be a bit ridiculous to ask them to essentially throw away all the texture work they’ve done so far in order for them to adjust the model.)

Uh, no fix for hivehand falling through the elevator?

Adam’s list is very, very far from exhaustive. It’s a small sample of what’s to come. Assuming otherwise is…odd.

About the Gluon Gun, i am a bit indecisive on the new model so i am not entirely sure. Both models do look great. However the new one does look a little out of place.

I think the new one fits with the clean aesthetics of the Sector F Lambda Complex more than the old one.

True, the old one looks like something you’d find in one of the less well-kept sectors of Black Mesa, like the maintenance tunnels of Blast Pit or even the Sector B Coolant Facilities. (Mod idea, take the old gluon gun, rename it the Ice Beam, stuff it in Sector B somewhere and make it freeze things. Badass.)
The new one has less grunge and more of a clinical lab feel. However I do feel that the new, more matte-looking texture doesn’t do the model justice. Could use some spicing up.

Also, could someone explain what exactly “deleted back faces” means?

That means Gluon gun’s old model texture.

It looks better in game than in the picture, the finish actually looks way more polished and nice than the old one, for sure.

I would suggest that people try it out in game before you judge it so harshly. We all think it’s a big improvement over the old one. Certainly is, quality wise, even if you’re not in complete agreement with the style change.

“Deleted back faces” means that parts of the model which you can’t see by default on the viewmodel, are deleted. This is for optimisation purposes, as theoretically if you never see those parts of the gun due to the way it’s held, there is no reason to have those parts even exist. All of our old viewmodels from the mod version had deleted back faces. It is a destructive process, you can’t really get that information back easily, and most of the time it’s easier to just remake the model completely, particularly when our new viewmodels for retail are at a much, much higher and more faithful standard than old the mod ones.

On modern systems with modern tech, deleted back faces for viewmodels are just really unnecessary. Stuff is already so demanding in so many other ways that the gains from deleting back faces are basically non existent. It’s really a legacy technique for optimisation, in a way. We wanted all of our retail viewmodels to be complete models so that the community can do whatever they want with them, and we were also redoing them with VR in mind. If VR ever becomes a big thing, we hope to have a nice infrastructure in place to handle it well, even if nothing in the game is explicitly geared towards VR. VR doesn’t work at all with deleted back faces because you can see the viewmodels from any angle.

There’s yer reasons!

Ohh, I understand now! I’ve always hated that on Half-Life 2’s viewmodels, it makes finding a good animation set for some weapons a massive pain. Thanks!

Actually, the weapon drag thing is one of the things that makes me hate the deleted back faces in Half-Life 2. Particularly with the AR2, if you turn to the right fast enough, the weapon drags far enough to the left where you can see the missing faces. Really quite immersion-breaking

As for the new Gluon, I don’t have doubts it’ll look better ingame. It’s bound to look better with dynamic reflections and in different lighting conditions! I’m trying not to be too judgmental on an update we haven’t even received yet. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, y’know?

The only part of Sector B seen in HL/BM is the canals in Unforeseen Consequences.

I dunno, seems like you see plenty of it early on. It’s where both the Vortigaunt and Houndeye are introduced as enemies, and in Black Mesa, also where the player’s first chance to get a Glock and grenades are (assuming you didn’t manage to get a security guard killed before you even got the crowbar).

Will there be Xen?


Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.