Yeah, where is it ever said to pick up barrels to use in front of you? Barely any players do that
I’m sorry for liking Houndeyes, but just having Grunts and Vorts gets boring after a while. No offense to TextFamGuy1, but it’d be nice to have a little change even if it means going against the original map. Bullsquids are very underused in both games as well, but they don’t fit in with the Suburban look of Surface Tension
I’m pretty sure TFG1 is busy balancing and actually making the map better. Ammo/health placements are very very minor. Especially if there’s a lot of them. You could only have a valid complaint if there was next to none. And stop being so hostile, he quietly disagreed with you and you went full out apeshit on him
I… I can’t see the logic in that. It could just be the particle effects of the portals and the large amount of NPC’s
Plus the HDR nearly doubles the mapsize, but HDR is just wonderful.
Jump Pads are basically props, the only thing that distinguishes them from a cinderblock other than appearance is the fact it propels you up
You can also use the other ways of getting up, like the stairs