ROFLMAO~! hahaha… oh wait… :fffuuu:
You’ll not just be banned from the forums, you’ll be banned from the developer build of the mod.
Nice to know even Ram knows how awesome his avatar is.
/me points to sig.
“Eric, sometimes your posts are worth their weight in gold”
Fuck, that guy is hilarious. Isn’t he a scientist of some sort in the real world?
This is true.
GC/MS analyst. He does SCIENCE.
Oh shit I forgot to let him out of the cage…well…he didn’t say the safe word yet…so…hmmmm :3
If we insult Summer Glau, would his Boomerang-signal lit up in the skies to alert him of incoming bannage?
you’re sounding like as if he was dead :hmph:
Seconded. Just…
Who? She sounds like an ugly idiot.
Lets hope this works
Maybe that was the point?
By “that guy”, do you mean me or Raminator the great?
He means Raminator I am pretty sure. The Scientist bit gives it away.
But Fong is scientist too!
I’ve never really liked Raminator, but he can be incredibly funny at times.