Post Your Screen Shot thread

TF2 screenshots! Everyone has one or two that are worth sharing (well except maybe me, but anyway, I’m still gonna post them):

Ouch! That must’ve hurt.



Hurr hurr.

I also have some old shots from DMC4 on my Xfire profile:

etc, etc.

A second time? I don’t think so.

Those are some nice shots spooks :smiley:

Another Slide Show

And another pic for good measure

Use the edit button

Reached the attachment max :stuck_out_tongue:

Host the images on a site, that way you can actually use img tags. Takes an extra 5 seconds, but makes the images inline with the text and so much better.

fuck yeah dmc4, best looking game ever

Some screenshots form Various games.

Nicely hardcore. I approve.

Birthday party ruined by a guy called Gary…

Reilly got drunk after her rescue ;]


Of course I knew, it tells you. That’s such a big fail, it’s just… I don’t know, words can’t describe.

Omg, my meat! .((

boobies .B

a cake is true!!


NOLF is very much like farcry2, isn’t it?

Didn’t read it, figured it pretty early on and decided to finish anyways.

Love how the arrow hit the scout ass.
how to post picture like your all? without click the link to see it.

[img]link[/img] tag

Then don’t complain.

So yeah, ran into this on TF2…

HL reminicent vents!

Suspiciously farmiliar corridors!

That room where you see the Gman for the 2nd time

So yeah, Is this Black Mesa map the work of anyone here, or does anyone know about it?


Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.