He probably shopped it to make the effect seem twice as bad. I’m guessing the noise moves around as well so he can tell it’s not the normal appearance.
Checking insurance for twelve hours and idling overnight in a slow chatroom come to mind :zip:
I didn’t believe it to be a hallucination at first, because I’ve never actually hallucinated anything outside of going into sedation. The rest of the scene was clear as normal, and the details of this effect were too… too elegant in their curves (yet erratic compared to oneanother) to have been artificially generated. I know the brain is complex, but I do not expect it to be able to run a completely foreign particle simulation.
I suppose it is, however, possible… The preceding sensory deprivation may give some credit. Despite this, I wouldn’t give hallucination any more credit than the BFEP.
Interesting thing about the caves, though… I wonder if that inspired art in the first place.