New Trailer before relase BM?

I don’t think it’s necessary, they got the point across.

As for a new site. Is that a joke? Whats wrong with this one?

I agree that a new trailer would not be necessary. But I kinda want to see a new one anyway.

BM trailer is badass and it isn’t another one necessary , all credits go for those which made BM trailer

Well, when the mod actually releases, a lot of these sub-forums aren’t going to be necessary, and different ones are. + other stuff i don’t feel like remembering.

While a new trailer isn’t NECESSARY, it’d be nice to have one that shows the final build. The old one showed stuff from 2009. Stuff that was heavily worked on and probably changed in drastic ways. A new trailer could even show side by side the differences between the old trailer and stuff from the new.

Quit with that “not necessary” bullshit.

This whole community is founded on a REMAKE. Come on. Nothing is less necessary than a remake.

Take this idea, and flip it. Remake the trailer in Half-Life: Source, and be all "This is the final version guys! :smiley: "

Would make a good April fool’s joke by the team. Especially if they released the soundtrack on April 2nd/March 31st. Of course, if the timing’s not perfect like that, it would be a bit cruel, so it won’t likely happen.

The trailer came out in 2008, so even older stuff.

Except Half-Life ( dare I say it ) was screaming for one with the source engine and the modding community therein, especially after the HL-Source let down.

What would you honestly want from a new trailer beyond a fuzzy warm feeling in your pants? Once the game is actually released a trailer would actually make sense, as then it would be odd to be using a trailer showing older stuff. For now though? It’l just attract impatient trolls.

Perhaps release a new trailer and redesign the forums when the game is actually released?

Don’t worry about the redesign before release. We all know that is never gonna happen anyway


And I’d bet money it’s never coming out.


Somewhere, in a parallel universe or something, Valve didn’t drop the ball with Half Life Source, and we are all enjoying our new(er) Half Life version, sparing us from this hell.

Half-Life: Source achieved it’s purpose: Showing how easy it was to port shit from the GoldSRC engine to the Source Engine.

That’s all it is.

It’s purpose was to disappoint fans who were hoping it would get a graphical overhaul like Counter-Strike: Source

aaand they charged for it.

Watching the end of the BM trailer just gets more and more depressing as the years go by.

You know if you turn the volume up, you can hear the cockroach say “yeah right” as it runs off.

i guess my expectations are set below average - i still giggle at rag dolls.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.