multiplayer/campaign ideas

Hey, what about some mode set in the Seven Hour War? Like, Black Mesa: Aftermath. Endless waves of combines (models from HL2, natch) coming right at you, ending when the citadel arrives, and the scores are tallied.

This is a recreation of Half-Life but nothing more. I am certain that there are projects that take care of the seven hour war but not this one.

But… but… but… since when did multiplayer have to be canon? Yes, it’s a remake of Half-Life, but it’s a remake of Deathmatch, too, and there’s no reason there shouldn’t be references to events mentioned in other games in it. Unless they’re being loyal like that. :meh:

Irrelevant, deathmatch MUST be cannon (sarcasm) and co-op must be made after deathmatch.

Hello This screenshot shows us how people “go” to work already in working smocks. They should change clothes in their lockers. I think you understand what I mean :slight_smile:

You mean they should model a bunch of different plain-clothes characters that would only be seen at a distance during the opening sequence & never be used again?
Do I need to explain why that’s a bad idea or should I tell you why it’s in the wrong topic? (And the word you’re looking for is labcoats, not smocks)

Also, why can’t they change their clothes within their dormitories?

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.