Midweek update 3.5

Definitely keep it going. I find it quite interesting!

I’ve been watching with great interest. :slight_smile:

Yes, please keep it up! There may be less views, but you still have the attention of the hard-core fans.

Release 3 you say?!?! Okay, I guess it IS Xen related.

Maybe one of the Xen thumpers, or a part from the Grunt Factory…

It’s more organised this way.

Absolutely continue! You are just about the only developer interaction we get ._.

^You’re joking, right?

He probably meant “the only bringing props out from behind the curtain for us to see”.

It’s easier for me to do a new one each time to keep the information separate. I don’t know how you read release 3 into any plans for retail. …it was a typo and has been corrected.

I’m assuming you’re talking about me when you refer to Release 3 assumptions. It’s just been a general assumption around here that release 2 will be the Steam version w/o Xen, and then release 3 will be Steam version w/ Xen. I forget if there’s any basis for that assumption or not. I was just following that reasoning.

Fair enough. I prefer keeping my information consolidated when I’m working myself, makes things easier to find electronically instead of sifting through several files & such to find what I need.

Keep up the good work, Brian. Love the overhaul you’re doing with the models.

Out of curiosity, do you do your own textures or does another artist help you? Regardless, what’re the texture resolutions you use most commonly on your objects?

I do my own. I work mainly in 1024 x 1024 and resize as needed down. If the UV sucks or if the prop really needs the detail 2048 but that is a huge memory hog.

I am very interested in this blog so please, do not abandon it.

as am I. Seeing the work that gets put into this game is amazinnnng!!!

Is there an example of a model you’d use a 2048x2048 texture on if you feel like sharing?

I am new to the BMS forums, but I think it will look good where ever the model goes

Even if it’s used as a potted plant?

I think its used in On A Rail somewhere related to the rocket.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.