i hate him
DON’T TALK SHIT ABOUT MAGIC! [COLOR=‘black’]/tourette’s guy
Magic is the shit come on people!
Magic is for losers, try necromancy duh.
Hey idi Alexander Herrmann was pretty rad b/c:
- he pretty much invented magic
- someone named Herrmann has to be pretty rad
- his mustache.
But then magic got stale after he and Houdini died (houdini was cool too)
Yeah. Man I love P&T Bullshit.
itls like 80% insufferable libertarian bullshit
I go to an amusement park for 2 days and Idi thinks he can disrespect all Slight-of hand conjurers and masters of illusory art? wait, why do I care? this is Idi we’re talking about.
Gandalf would just waltz the fuck up to Voldemort like a boss and wreck his shit with his big ass killing sword of fucking death.
Plus Gandalf has a longer stick.
Magic is awesome
God, how I hate the Harry Potter movies. I hope everyone associated with those movies dies. Ruined the books. The good books COMPLETELY RUINED., GOD DAMN MOVies!
Corinthians 13:11
Luke 18:16
Clock 19: 37
Harry potter books were entertaining when I was 14. I realise now that they are shite.
The books are great, the movies don’t