Because that’s what happens when you boil the couch cushions you’ve been urinating on.
This thread was suppose to be serious and all, but you trolls are ruining this becuase you think its all funny aout this and all, I agree that at some times its ok to joke about harmless incideces but when youre joking about things like the Halocaust or this Earthquake where OVER THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE DIED, that is when you have crossed the line, you don’t go up to a greiving widdow and joke about her loss so why joke about this tragedy
Just ignore them, and you’ll be fine.
some people get over things like this by joking about them. get over it, fag.
You don’t seem to know much about the BM community.
Or phonics.
This thread was started by me. The chances of the resulting thread being serious about anything are near 0.
At least you’re being honest about yourself.
I can has friends now? :awesome:
… So USA how’s the radioactive cloud going?
I’m on the east coast. I’ll wait and see if I need to hide in my led-lined bunker or not.
Wow, it must be really bright in there, huh?
isn’t it the west coast that will get the radiation?
dammit double post due to lag
I even went back to the previous page and back and it didn’t show my post until I posted again
I thought this thread seemed a little…shaky.
No, but in all seriousness, the japan incident is horrid and i really wish all of those people the best. It’s going to take years for japan to recover from the losses.
I wouldn’t know, I was lying about having any kind of radiation protection
Lol I was just hassling you for saying led-lined instead of lead-lined. led-lined…LED-lined…like lined with a bunch of LEDs…oh well its not really funny now