oh haiu guies whatsd fioing n uin hus threadf?
2 findger typinyhhg apparemny
yrah but i think somr people sre cheeting.
#i men seisldy, howd csan yuo fo sd fomf.
I think my toyuchp-typing xskills went downhill slightly.
its n0t cheat9ng if u chsnge the meaning iof your semtence wehn u axcidentaslly p-ress the wrpong key;
itdepresses me ro see so mant people xhearinf ob rhis rhreas. i hate you all.
It depresses me to see so many people cheating in this thread. I hate you all.
i/m do good st thid rvryo re
I’m so good at this everyone
why do you peopele in the iuk apologize for everyrginhg dammit
try 2 fingrr typibg with tge “f” jeyboard
wha5t the cuvk tjd joo hust dai?
thid has ti be the most stuoid and poimtless thresd on thd entire forim…
i likr it!
what are youz tslking abour<<<ß
haha this is quite funny how i’m able to do it with ease, quite funny indeed.
It does hurt my hand though, my pinky finger just wants to rest
you j0t aii0ut plooking or naxk space otjer!!!
Am I doing it right?
ilk rteportb bsackl yo thid tjread wyeh 9im not nstponwd lol
i srill ssomnder how we;re hsving s dseriius comversarion.
sdfhoahsg lsdhflkash dzvkv efahlhdz adfhlkase dc,xlvhsoefh .asdeofhdscz jldasfnl/d.?!w3r43#
What serious conversation could we possibly be having?
st. patty’s day and my storemsahdf morwe cusytomertg thsng i thugtv… i ,mswey noty worjk fory af mahg drysn asw i trbhuft
st patty’s day and my store had more customers than i thought… I must must not work for as many drunks as I thought.
You didn’t even try then, you just mashed your keyboard with random words…