Is it true? Marc Laidlaw

Is it true? :frowning:

Confirmed: Mark Laidlaw has left Valve

If i don’t see any honest news about the Half Life next title in 2016,
i will lose interest completely.

(Moved this into a thread of its own.)

Meh, I stopped caring either way. Having no expectations is always best, if it releases then great, if not well who cares.

Tbh I ceased caring for HL3 around 2011. I do, from time to time, check some random stuff that pops up, but beside this, I just don’t expect it to happen.

Let’s be serious now, it’s 2016 and Valve has not released ANY kind of information for HL3’s confirmation or denial. Next year will be 10yrs since EP2’s release and more than likely, will still have no news about the game. Source 2 in development and no game for it. Maybe L4D3, another unconfirmed game, but who knows.

The expectations are way too high for the game to reach them anyway. And now, Laidlaw left Valve. The future of the franchise couldn’t be any darker…

There are other games to look forward to. Games that will come into being eventually, not something we dream about. If Valve has no interest in making the game, then that’s it, I’ve moved on a long time ago. O:BM and GD for instance, as we’re talking about HL games here, are some that I look forward to. Or TES:VI, Doom, Dark Souls 3 to give some non-HL games as examples.

Well that’s too bad.

I hate incomplete stories but yeah no I’ve run out of care anyway too

Ok, so who getting his chair?

William Shatner. Valve is going to remake/reimagine Shatner’s TekWar books into an epic multi-game FPS series.

Well seeing as Laidlaw is gone anyways, Valve should sell off the half life licence to Bethesda. I’d wait an extra 6 years for es6 if I got an open world half life game out of the deal.

Or you know, they are just polishing up HL3 and Laidlaw has already written his bit, and is able to retire after sticking around to complete the series.

I’d rather keep having nothing than another buggy half-baked open world game with mediocre dialogue made on a shitty engine.

even if it’s just a headcrab dlc for fallout 4 tbh

I don’t have any problem with the dialogue in Bethesda’s games, not sure why you hate that so much.

By ,half-baked, I can only understand that they have never been tested well enough for glitches, that’s always been their trademark, with all their games, and never fully fixed, or some of the crucial ones at least were left out, such as Skyrim’s memory leaks for instance, which always annoyed me. Couldn’t play more than an entire hour or CTD -__- .

As about the engine, well, that depends on which one. Most are outdated now, even the Creation Engine perhaps, or at least Skyrim’s version of CE. Didn’t play Fallout 4 to say anything about it., although it certainly doesn’t look very impressive.

Anyway, that’s also a dream. Valve would never sell their games to another company. The never did so with their engines, doubt they’ll do so with the games. Guess we’ll have to accept we will have nothing in this case.

Really, Maxey is pretty right about bethesda games, it doesn’t mean they aren’t hella fun though.

In recent years, Gabe Newell has been pretty consistent in asserting that the future of video games is multiplayer experiences. Beyond that, we’ve seen Valve become more of a game distributor than game studio, with a lot of revenue coming from Steam (and we’ll see where their Steam machines & controller go in the next couple of years). I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they stop making games altogether in the near future.

If Valve releases Half-Life 3 I’ll be delighted, but it’s no longer something I expect to happen. A company has every right not to make a game if they don’t want to make it.

Look at all of you trying to act like you don’t care about Half Life 3. Everyone can see through your lies. You are transparent

We pretend we don’t care, because admitting we do with the knowledge that it’s not coming would hurt us too much.

Honestly, in my case there is no posing. I really moved on a long time ago, there are other games to look forward to, that will eventually become real in a way or another, like I’ve already said.

HL3 is truly dead for me.

I just hate the lack of explanation. Like, why exactly they wouldn’t finish this cliffhanger they’ve left us with, even not in the context of a game. I can understand not making the game on Duke Nukem Forever principle alone, but then why can’t we get some clarity on what would have happened instead, or why it never happened in the first place? Even in a story where it had no chance of continuing due to legal shitbaggery and the entire Universe was blown up the original writer gave some finish to the current arc in the StH comics online, and is revealing things about it to this day. So why can’t we have that here?

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.