that is so epic i shall eagerly await it BMS and TF2C are my favorite 3rd party developed mods/games
This is fucking awesome. Have you guys ever thought about replacing the MP5 with the M4 from the HD models? To me atleast, it makes more sense for the HECU soldiers to be equiped with them.
I mean, you guys had a pretty great model back in '06.
I don’t mean the wood. I mean the front part of the weapon. The bow itself. Both sides of the bow (left and right) uses the same texture… In my opinion that’s easy to notice. I’m not a modelling expert but isn’t it possible to use multiple UV sheets for 1 animation? for example make 1 model consist of multiple seperate parts each with it’s own UV.
Unfortunately its a little late to make those changes…there isn’t room on the UV without a total redo of the UV.
the texture dupe isn’t really noticible unless you are directly looking for it.
Only thing I want to see is if they changed the zoom to take advantage of that little sight on the front.
Looks awesome!
The only thing I truly miss is the crossbow’s absurdly huge ammo capacity in the original game, but alas, balanced games are more fun anyway.
This is easily fixed by editing skill.cfg
Honestlly the C-Bow should be around 15-20 spare rounds, 10 is a little small. Same with the 357 make it 18 rounds and the 9mm be 200. I am for making the shotgun go down to 40 rounds though
This looks like the classic Half-Life crossbow. Nice job.
off topic: yeah wish they would add an option called, “half life ammo values” just allows carrying more ammo in single player. is pointless, but would be a good option for the people like me who can not aim worth a crap.
I’m just astounded by the model update.
When i saw the first picture i couldn’t believe that the entire crossbow is new.
Fantastic job!
The model is amazing!
I bet the anims are amazing too!
But whats wrong with the left hand thumb, it seems way too short. Is it clipping?
Currently crossbow is the only non-fifth-slot weapon not to have a sprint animation. Will this be fixed with this new model?
Yes it will. The crossbow was the only weapon that was not reanimated for the Steam release, as the team was waiting for the completion of the new model.
Great model!
it is the most complicated weapon we have ever done…its pretty cool
Make the top of the crossbow silver metallic color as the original game. Because dark Most of locations in the game and crossbow lost in the darkness .[attach=4505,none,800][/attach]
Hello Mr TextFamGUY1, i know its been a few months since you posted this but i played the game after the update just recently and i think theres some problems with the functionality of the crossbow at this point.
Firstly it seems it has some kind of bug and when you fire the weapon while zoomed in, it doesnt reload after each shot (feels like semiautomatic), while on the other hand when you fire without zoom the weapon reloads after every dart you fire.
Its really weird and i dont know if its intentional but it doesnt make any sense.
And secondly the zoom itself is really weird in my opinion.
Now it just zooms too much and i find it annoying when i try to kill someone beacause you rarely shoot at enemies from that far away. Also it looks as if the screen resolution is lower when you look through the scope and theres a bizzare effect when you look at a maps background pictures as they seem to move when you change the direction you look. Its really strange and difficult to explain and you should check it out yourself. Open areas with sky and background photos like the “surface tension” section are a good place to check that out.
Other than that the crossbow looks really beatiful and kicks some serious ass!
I believe i made some valid points, pls tell me what you think!
Thanks in advance.
I noticed this quite some time ago and promptly kept forgetting about it instead of posting it on the forums, but I think I know why the scope is like that.
So, speculation begin:
The new model’s zoom in animation takes up more of the screen than the previous model’s one. Normally this wouldn’t affect anything else, but, the BM devs did the smart thing [sub]I wish other games would hurry up and implement, because it’s not that damn hard or demanding and it makes scopes so much better[/sub][/size][sub],[/sub][/size] and used a rendertarget on the viewmodel’s scope instead of having the zoom-in switch to a different “scoped-in” model or sprite. Which I hate seeing in modern games because god-damnit people.[/size]
The issue with this being, the resolution of the rendertarget material must have been coded to be one that worked with the positioning of the old crossbow scope, but only just as to not waste performance with a larger-than-needed buffer. (Using OpenGL terminolgy here, DirectX probably calls it a ‘render cake’ or something)[/size]
When the new model was made, the rendertarget wasn’t upressed in the code to match the new scope position, presumably because the update was purely a cosmetic one, rather than one that modified how the crossbow behaved in gameplay, so none of the programmers got involved.
Simple, understandable oversight, but also, I should think, (with my lack of knowledge on the inner workings of the code) a simple thing to fix now that it’s been brought up, with just a bit of tweaking to make sure it’s balanced between resolution and performance.
This new model truly pays homage to the original HL model. And I can see the neurotoxin!!(Killing Ickys is somewhat slower now). Great job Guys!
:thumbup: :thumbup:
Creat work Thanks for release. I have bought it.