HECU HL1 Radio chatter swap - now w/ original dialogue.

A cool thing to do is only use this on non-medics. Diversity +10

Good pack. I think i prefer the BM voice overs still after hearing these but good job.

“I’ve killed 12 dumbass scientists and not one of them’s fought back. THIS SUCKS!” - does sound like like a teenager though haha

Creativity +5

In sample #1, they turn from young fit hipsters, into creepily laughing pedophiles. Still nice though, and somewhat funny.

Which sound files are the medics anyway?

hgrunt_young i believe

I don’t think the BM versions were that bad… But I can definitely see the appeal of this and took a gander through the examples provided in OP. Aside from the seemingly unavoidable voice change in the dragging scene, my only gripe is that some of the sound files in that scene seem to be broken up, giving you occasional static bursts mid-sentence in places where they didn’t happen in HL. I wonder, is that the only instance of extra, unnecessary static-bursts?

I’ll probably do the switch anyway and check it out for myself one of these days.

I did it on purpose to alleviate the “awkward silences” due to the timestamps in the original .VCD file as I had no idea where the files were for that scene at the time.
When I finally got to grips with choreo files (was basically forced to do it in ‘ground Zero’ scene) - I still decided to leave em in since they sound absolutely fine to me. I played around with the sounds so that they make more or less sense - and they do to me.
This, plus I had to use text editor to edit the VCDs manually since my FP kept crashing. I decided not to fuck with .VCDs wherever I can get away with original versions.

So, to answer your question - yep, it is the only instance of added static bursts. You are also free to cut off the bursts you don’t want in audacity and edit the timing appropriately if you want - it’s really easy and doesn’t require any special skills. Don’t forget to recompile the .VCD blob file (scenes.name) in faceposer for it to work.

It’s all about custom experience after all, isn’t it?


I might use this just so I don’t have to hear “agh, you got me!” ever again. Because that’s probably the dumbest soldier line in the game.

I remember when I encountered my first sniper and threw a grenade at him and he yelled agh you got me! I was like wtf?!?

Thank you for putting this out; I was always a fan of the distorted radio chatter from the original and I’m glad I can hear it again in Black Mesa. Looking over things, I noticed Radio_comeincooper_main.wav is in the wrong folder; it’s located in sound/vo/c2a5h/ in the rar but it should be c2a5h/ComeInCooper/

Beyond that, and correct me if I’m wrong, the only things missing are
-the “Get Him!” and subsequent “Nice hit” at the end of Apprehension
-the entire dragging conversation (people are talking like it’s only the laughter that didn’t get replaced, but I don’t see any audio pertaining to it in the rar)
-The brief chatter of the grunts hearing as you’re crawling around the snark vents (originally it was “Sir, I hear something” followed by “MOVE IT!”
-The Forget About Freeman transmission at the beginning of “Forget About Freeman”

EDIT: I guess there’s also the conversation at the beginning of Questionable Ethics about female scientists, but since this wasn’t in the original, you can’t really replace it.

I slapped together some crappy replacements (My assembly of phrases isn’t as good, and I just skipped breaking up a lot of the audio in favor of making the entire original HL wave file the first part of the sentance and then using silent wavs for the rest) but I was wondering if you were going to added better arranged ones to this pack.

It recalls me at F.E.A.R

How do I delete the voices where you get captured by the HECU?

Find them and just delete them.

Find them, then right click/delete?

That’s strange, looks like I’ve uploaded an outdated version of the folder. Apologies. The funniest thing is that you’re the first and the only one who noticed this, despite me including saves in the rar.

Was it? I thought that bit was exclusive to BM?
I’ll swap it anyway (will have ‘stay alert.’ instead of ‘MOVE IN’).

Left as is.

[COLOR=‘white’]Re-uploaded the fix, please re-download it HERE or from the link provided in OP[/SIZE]

I’m going to try replacing some of the medic sounds with opposing force grunt sounds, does anybody know how to save the sound files so the npc’s mouth will move?


Cool, thanks for putting up an updated version :smiley:

Can you replace some of the sniper death’s with something other than “We are all there is!!!” because it’s really stupid when you blow them up with a grenade. Maybe you could replace them with just a death sound.

The fuck? I fixed all of the death sounds?

Can you list all the phrases the snipers use here for reference? Just save before throwing a nade into the hole and repeat the death sequences until you stop hearing any new lines.

EDIT: Nevermind - for now, just replace HG_MEDIC_18 (both of them for the peace of mind) with whatever sound you want.
Alternatively, edit the npc_sounds_sniper script.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.