General Xen Chit-Chat Thread

I hope Xen has good fish AI.

Think you missed the scale there.
Nemo ain’t the size of a boulder.

There are only two options.

  1. It’s perspective.
  2. Nemo has evolved into the first Black Mesa boss in Xen.

I’ve updated the OP with the new screenshots, the new release window, and a link to the new thread!

Wow, it’s almost hard to believe how beautiful they’ve made it. It’s one of those things where you can almost imagine being there, isn’t it?

It’s Xen, we have flying rays the size of C-130s, Nemo being the size of a boulder isn’t as far fetched of an idea.

I find it interesting that nobody has used our Instagram shot to get a bit of context for the new screenshots, yet…

Actually, I did this as soon as I noticed the Summer update. Also, I think I can place the Holiday picture in Xen A- comparison picture. As for the rest, I can´t say for sure.

Here’s the Xen Instagram teaser again:

I’m pretty now a 100% sure the area on the right is the same as in this Xen screenshot. You can clearly make out the arch and the glowing orange Xen crystal. Also, pay attention to the peaks on each side. It lines up.
Makes a lot more sense now all of the sudden. The image always reminded me of something microscopic (like the dozens of images that are floating around in Questionable Ethics), but yeah, guess it’s a whole Xen island zoomed out! Very cool.

Shouldn’t be also the second crystal visible? Unless it is able to grow quite fast. Also other mushrooms-like plants. But can be quite believable considering fact that this “photo” is first time humans set foot on Xen and there is probably 5-15 years (not sure how long) between screenshots (present), so Xen changes overtime.

Or it’s just an early screenshot and the map wasn’t quite finished.

Could be. But not sure if they want to tease part of map that is not finished yet. I would love to see any scattered research references (notes, photographs, samples, field laboratories, old HEV equipment) from early human visits, how they touched environment.

Actually, I am pretty sure that it’s neither. I believe that the second (upper) Xen crystal is being covered by the rock formation.

On this image you can see both Xen rocks from the other image, right? Pay attention to how the metal crate can be seen on both screenshots.
If you look closely, you can see that there is a rock formation to the left of the upper Xen crystal. This is why you can’t see those crystals in the Instagram Teaser. It’s simply hidden from the camera.

EDIT: Oh, I totally just now noticed the scaffolding in the background. Interesting!

Yeah could be behind it. I thought it was the upper crystal, kinda confusing from second screenshot.

Or maybe I just detailed it between when the pic was taken and when it was posted…has to match up detail wise with the rest of the level.

Okay then. Makes sense. Thanks for the insight!

I never would’ve noticed the Instagram picture being the same island from a different perspective. Clever!
Now the real question: What island was the photographer standing on?

Well it is stated as very first photograph of Xen, probably similar view will have Gordon after arriving to Xen. Could be one of those floating islands.

That makes sense. In the original Half-Life I always thought that the teleports into Xen had random locations, because of how bodies seemed to get into absurd places. But maybe Freeman’s Mind kinda conditioned that way of thinking into me.

I think there might be mild inaccuracy in teleportation, but in Questionable Ethics section they wouldn’t be able to harvest so many samples/materials if their teleportation was completely random. In my opinion Xen was peaceful environment, but after some time of harvesting resources/spieces by HEV teams, Xen becomes more hostile.

Well, the HEV scientists practically invaded Xen, took its wildlife home to earth to conduct ethically questionable (ha) experiments, and exploited the fauna.

Of course the wildlife (and the Nihilanth who happened to be in Xen at the time) doesn’t like that. The resonance cascade was the perfect opportunity to both seize Earth for the NIhilanth and Vortigaunt, as well as get some revenge on the Black Mesa scientists.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.