Favorite weapon: MP5. I’ve played a lot of TF2, and have a pretty good grasp at the game, aimwise, and since aim is so easily transferable to other games, I have a easy time using the MP5. You can spray down enemies like 600 feet away as long as you can control its recoil, which is easy: Just pull down. As long as you can do that, you can abuse this weapon’s laser-like accuracy, which can be OP at times, IMO.
Runner-up: Hivehand. Mostly because of the pickup animation and general animations, but also because it’s a great utility weapon. I like breaking boxes with it, which is way faster than the crowbar. I hope the fix the missing hivehand bug soon.
Least favorite weapon: Grenades. I don’t know why the changed the arc and point of origin when thrown. These things are pretty much useless. I can’t do tricky grenade throws through small gaps anymore, because I just don’t know where to aim it or angle it. I’d like it to match HL2’s arc and point of origin.
Runner-up: Glock. It feels like I’m pelting the enemy with pebbles every time I shoot them. It’s only effective if you get headshots or use the fast fire function, which is incredibly gimmicky in itself, and only useful if you are within dick-touching distance of the enemy. I like the mod’s way of using the ‘firing as fast as you click’ approach.
Favorite chapter: Questionable Ethics. mscl-ambience8. Enough said.
Least favorite chapter: Lambda Core. I don’t like the labyrinthine style of this chapter. The only good part is the teleportation labs section.