Expert compile for Black Mesa

I was experimenting with texture shadows and ambient occlusion but when I went expert compile it was blank

so I tried to port over the settings from EP2 like so

Any time I try to compile this happens, can someone help me?


Hm, that’s interesting. Are you saying that the compile options aren’t saving after compilation?

Have you tried clicking the edit button next to the dropdown menu and creating a new configuration like ‘HDR Compile’ and putting the settings there? That’s what I do, and I haven’t had problems with the options disappearing.

Another option would be to use a third party compile helper tool. These are external programs that will run the compilers for you, instead of doing it through Hammer. These programs have some advantages over the hammer compile tool; such as not freezing during compilation. I personally don’t use them myself because I have no issues with Hammer’s setup (although I am beginning to reconsider my stance), but this sounds perfect for your situation. I’d recommend the Hazard Team Compile Tool (HTCT) if you choose to go this route.

Oh never mind I figured it out it was just me being dumb. Thanks for the help anyway, sorry for wasting you time.

For the sake of clarification, what was happening then?

The check-boxes of each exe was not checked. Used to it being checked first time I launched Hammer. Also question does HTCT have the new RAD options exclusive to Black Mesa like Ambient Occlusion or Cascade Shadow Mapping?

Yes, but wait until December engine update, right now only the devs have proper documentation on how to make it work.

At the moment you don’t need any special parameters for CSM, just the appropriate entity. It’s also got AO, and I believe you can use custom parameters as well. I’m sure DKY will update with any new parameters after the December update.

I was under the impression you needed to run vrad with the ‘-cascadeshadows’ option? That’s what I’ve been doing.

Nope, env_cascade_light.

Is -cascadeshadows actually a command then? Or is it just something I somehow made up?

Not in the default configuration, but it’s pretty trivial to add using the config file. Just scroll to the vrad section and add the lines:

"-ambientocclusion" "0" "-cascadeshadows" "0"Now that I’ve switched to using HTCT for all my compiles, I can give you my config with this already set up if you’re having trouble.

You can actually compile with AO right now (add the -ambientocclusion command to VRAD), and it’s something I highly recommend doing on your final compile. Be warned though, it significantly increases VRAD compile time. My 1 minute VRAD compile time with all the fancy options enabled (3rd gen i7 for the win) becomes a 10 minute compile time when I enable AO.

10 whole minutes? Haha, that’s kindergarten stuff. Map G of STU takes 2 hours 30 for a VRAD final compile!

You have to use env_cascade_light AND ALSO -cascadeshadows switch to VRAD. I think there are certain scenarios where you don’t have to use the switch, but I can’t remember what they are anymore. CSM has been entirely rewritten for the Xengine, anyway, so it will all change soon. IIRC on the new version you need only newLight_dir (the dynamic sun entity) and env_cascade_light.

Oh good, I’m not going insane after all: I did hear that somewhere!

Also, I like the sound of “Xengine.” Rolls right off the tongue!

Whatever they are, I’ve accidentally discovered 'em every single time I’ve used CSM.

Holy crap a dev replied to a thread I made 8o . This makes me happy, all over a dumb question I figured out the answer to later.

Called it.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.