Enhancing the Abilities and Intelligence of the Mawmen

Uhm… that’s the real name of the entity…

I just came here to say that the HL2 zombie’s cracked ribs are still an obvious graphic match to an open toothy mouth. It was 100% intentional, and saying they can’t be called mawmen because it’s not actually a mouth is fucking ridiculous. Houdeyes aren’t dogs. Dogs have eyes anyway, how is that name even special? A Bullsquid isn’t an actual bull with a squid. This applies to everything. A monkey wrench isn’t an actual monkey. Most pencils use graphite, yet people still refer to the core as lead. My Achilles tendon isn’t actually Achilles’s tendon. My name isn’t Achilles.

One of my names is Achilles :slight_smile:

Fucking bastard.

I think we can leave this post rest in peace. There’s nothing else to say about enhancing the zombie skills, only silly commentaries about the name “Mawmen”.

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