Day Dream suggestion thread

i suggest bananas !

I don’t think it’s working…

To wrap the whole M4/MP5 problem up, both weapons should be included in the mod. The MP5 without grenade launcher as the first assault weapon, which uses the same ammo as the Glock, and the M4/203 as the second, stronger, more accurate assault weapon, including the grenade launcher and having it’s own ammo reserve.

The MP5 should have a larger magazine and a higher rate of fire than the M4 (50 rounds, just as in the original Half-Life), and, of course, a large ammo reserve, whereas the M4 should have 30 rounds in the magazine, not more than 90 in reserve and only 3-5 grenades instead of the original 10.

Then Gordon would have two assault weapons, just as in Half-Life 2. Both would be significantly different and worth using. The HECU marines could come in diverse types of differently equipped soldiers, just like the combine, who either wield smg’s, shotguns or assault rifles (the metrocops even use pistols), allowing for a little more sense of “realism” and more diversified types of soldiers to battle, their strength depending largely on their weaponry.

In Half-Life 2 you had the SMG and the AR2, in Black Mesa you’d have the MP5 and the M4 instead. I hope I could make myself clear.

Of course, it’s not gonna happen (at least not in the official release), but I like the idea.

Why would the military hand out two different types of assult rifles to their soldiers?

Because that’s what they actually do sometimes.

Exactly that was my point. Thanks, HH Kelevra.

MP5 is a sub-machine gun, not an assault rifle like the M4. They have different purposes.

How can a four-ounce bird carry a one-ton banhammer?

That’s why I deliberately called them both “assault weapons”, choosing a more general term mainly for referring to their in-game role, rather than their real life classification.

jeah. mp5 is spray and pray but m4 is slower but controlled fire

It’s not a bad idea (a rare thing on this board) but I can’t see it being implemented as it’s just too much of a gameplay departure from the original game.

It’d be one thing to just optionally supplement the model and animations of the MP5 for the M4 (implementation hassle aside) as the change would only be cosmetic, but having them both would effectively mean adding a new weapon, which would be outside of the mod’s mandate.

Of course they could still use the M4 model as just an inert prop/object that you can’t pick up, who’s purpose is solely to annoy those that care about such things. :wink:

along with a HECU vest and gasmask in beside gordons suit that you can’t wear.

They could grip it by the husk! :wink:

My ultimate day dream is that Opposing Force be considered completely canon and taken into account when designing the levels, bar the wholly unnesseccary “Race X”.

maybe add two differen’t versions of black mesa. one with the two weapons together and one with only the mp5 like smod redux v7 that is gonna have one vers that has removed some weapons and features and one that has averything old and everything new

That’s exactly what I imagined the difference between the two weapons to be in game in the case that they’d be both implemented, like I suggested.

Thanks for all positive feedback on my idea. It’s not gonna make it into the mod, I am sure, but maybe some day a talented programmer will like the idea and present us with an option.

Banhammers don’t have husks…



It was never stated what the handle was made out of.

It’s not about how it grips it, its a simple matter of weight ratios. :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe it’s an African robin? They’ve been known to carry weights like Banhammers occasionally.
But then that raises the question of what an African Ban-Robin is doing in Black Mesa, in New Mexico.

Look, bugger you lot. Are you willing to join the court at Camelot or not?

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.