Community Update

Looks like he’ll be a tad late.

This is literally great news, and completely unexpected. Totally waiting for the 14th, it’ll be fun!

I thought this too… though maybe it was just a rumor.
Either way, DOESN’T MATTER NOW! lol

So apparently the timer expires at 8:47am… the current time mentioned while you’re riding the tram.
And when it expires, the site will redirect to (Don’t get excited, there’s nothing there now.)

Good work :slight_smile:

excited much

Dawww, theenks! :3

Edit: I’m kinda surprised the timer is dependent on our local clock though. Someone on Facebook was complaining that the timer said 30 days. (His clock was obviously wrong.)

…holy fucking shit!

…and other various emotions!


Fark yeah! :smiley:

HOLY SHIT! There were rumors of a release without Xen but I never expected… Looks like my most recent prediction was right, late summer/September although I never really thought it would happen. This is amazing guys, thank you so much for your dedication and hard work. Can’t wait for Xen and DM I’m sure will be great as well (never really got into Half Life multiplayer although admittedly I’m way late to the party). Amazing, first Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, then this! Crazy!

PS: My I inquire when the plan to release Xen as a separate part was made? Had Xen work begun before that point? Finally “complete game” as in, Episode 1 length or something? :’( (Tears of Joy!)

Wonderful, and congrats! :smiley: So excited!

Please add a torrent/magnet download for when your website will be down, and post it on twitter. I don’t want to miss the release date. :slight_smile:


We will be ready, don’t you worry.

Just when I started my playthrough of MGS3 Subsistence…
You motherfuckers.

And really, no Xen?
Fuck you, fuckers.

lol j/k


P.S. Sincerest congratulations to the team. It’s been quite a ride.

Could you guys PLEASE put a download on steam? I’m one of those guys that doesn’t know how to use torrents and stuff (fuck me right :frowning: )


I’m so excited. Congratulations to the dev team for making this happen. Looking forward to September 14th! It’s been a long time coming but worth the wait I’m sure. The only question now is: what will I dream about after release? I think half the fun has been the anticipation.


I’m listening to the soundtrack right now. And I think I’m going to shit awesomeness.

Hallelujah! I finish work on the 15th so BM couldn’t really have come at a much better time!

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.