Changing crosshair color ?

In the MOD era, there were commands to change the crosshair colors: crosshair_color_red (value 0…255) etc. These do not work since the Steam version release. Crosshair visibility with the dirty-orange color is very low on some scenes, and changing the color to bright green helped immensely. Is there a way to do this now? I have looked through the CVARS and found nothing.

No one at all? Depressing :frowning:

It takes a bit more work than simply setting a convar, but this procedure should work:

  1. Set up a custom folder.
  2. Using GCFScape, extract the files “resource\clientscheme.res” and “scripts\hudlayout.res” from “Black Mesa\bms\bms_misc_dir.vpk” and place them into the custom folder. For example, the folder structure might look like this:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Black Mesa\bms\custom └───crosshairmod ├───resource │ clientscheme.res │ └───scripts hudlayout.res

  1. Open “scripts\hudlayout.res” in a text editor and locate this block:

... CHudCrosshair { "fieldName" "CHudCrosshair" "textAlignment" "center" "paintbackground" "0" "brighttext" "1" "centerwrap" "1" "CrosshairColor" "OrangeBright" } ...

  1. Change the “CrosshairColor” from “OrangeBright” to one of the predefined colors in “resource\clientscheme.res”, for example “GreenBright”, or edit to add your own custom color definition:

// base colors
“Orange” “255 176 0 160”
“OrangeDark” “255 176 0 42”
“OrangeDim” “255 176 0 110”
“OrangeBright” “255 176 0 255”
“LightOrange” “188 112 0 128”

	"FadedBGColor"		"0 0 0 255"

	"OrangeDarker"		"255 176 0 20"
	"OrangeDarkest"		"255 176 0 8"
	"Green"			"28 192 0 140"
	"GreenBright"		"28 192 0 255"
	"GreenDark"		"28 192 0 42"

	"Red"			"192 28 0 140"
	"RedBright"		"255 28 0 255"
	"RedDark"		"255 28 0 42"

	"Black"			"0 0 0 196"
	"TransparentBlack"	"0 0 0 196"
	"TransparentLightBlack"	"0 0 0 90"

	"Blank"			"0 0 0 0"
	"ForTesting"		"255 0 0 32"
	"ForTesting_Magenta"	"255 0 255 255"
	"ForTesting_MagentaDim"	"255 0 255 120"


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Wow. Thanks galore! I’ll give it a try!

Thank you,

Glad I could help!

Flavrans, my colour blind eyes thank you very much for this!


Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.