Brian's Black Mesa Improvement Project: part 1

BM already looked so good that I didn’t even notice those urinals were so bad before. I guess they somehow “blended in” with the environment.

amazing work

Well, that looks great!

Thanks for this update! I agree that little details and improvements here and there can make quite the difference in terms of realism and better immersion.


All of the other commercial items appearing in the mod are names that are knock-offs of the original. Why wouldn’t your toilets have a name that is a knock-off of American-Standard instead of DALsys?

Very happy with the improvements. Making the screens in AM lobby a little bigger is a perfect metaphor for Black Mesa transitioning to Source 2013.

Very much appreciated, bkdale86. Keep em’ comin’!

amazing work.

BTW, why DALsys?

Lovin this idea. Good guy Brian!

Damn. I just love how such ‘small’ changes make such an impact. That’s a damn nice toilet now, and the big screens in the AM lobby thing are great.

Looking good

Ever see what my last name is? It’s there because I made it. It’s my signature.

this looks awesome, thanks for the update. Cant wait to get the steam version :slight_smile:

Keep up the hard work! (and keep us updated plz) :smiley:

Awesome work. a quick question, I noticed that some monitors on the initial sections have low resolution textures, any chance they get improve?

Probably not especially not if they are animated.

Amazing work bkdale86! Can’t wait for the full release on steam! Best game of 2014! Keep up the hard work, a lot of people are rooting for you and the team!

Is there any other models you’ve improved throughout the game? If so, I’m sure we all would like a sneak peak. :smiley:

Oops, should have re-read the OP instead of looking at the pretty screenshots. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the update.

Could we, for next time, get the screenshots in such arrangement as to better see what changed? Such as having an old screenshot and a new screenshot next to each other, or in a sequence, and the camera being at almost the same position?

The current way of doing things makes it impractical.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.